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Theresa knocked on the door of their house. I don't know why she did that when in the first place, it's their house. Is that the way the Arians do it? It's... weird.

The door opened and a short woman with black curly hair and flat nose approached us, smiling. "Oh. It's you. It's only four in the afternoon. What brought you here so early? Your dismissal is at five, right?"

"I'll explain later, mother," Theresa said.

Irene, Theresa's mom, stared at me like she finds me so... disgusting. "Hello, Ellie," she said. "Why are you like that?" she frowned. I did not respond. Instead, I stared back at her. I know that she's waiting for an answer because she is not removing her stare at me. I'm starting to feel awkward. I want to answer but I just can't seem to think of a word to start my traumatic story.

"Mom," Theresa called out. I think she did that to break the silence and prevent me from doing anything violent considering what I told her a while ago. "I was wondering if Ellie could stay here for a moment."

"Oh," Irene said. Then she looked at Theresa, removing her stare at me. I felt relieved, "What do you mean, young lady?"

"I'll explain later," Theresa said. "Now, maybe we can enter the house, right?"

Irene took a last look of me and said, "Of course. Come in."

We entered Theresa's house. It's not my first time to be here. Because of my relationship with Theresa, this house became my second home. Their house is just a small one. It's just a one storey building with a small comfort room, a small living room, and three bedrooms. The kitchen and the dining area share the same place. It's just a simple house. It's reflecting how the Arians live. They do not have a single decoration. All that's in here are all that's needed, all that's enough. I wonder how the country of Aria looks like. Maybe they have the same structure of houses. It must look like a boring place to live. No decorations. No colors. No entertainment. No excess. Simple (or poor). Very.

Theresa sat me on a sofa that's made of wood. There's no foam at all to make me comfortable.

"Have you eaten already?" she asked, concerned.

"I - I'm not sure," I replied.

"Let's make you eat to be sure," she said with a very light smile. She went to the kitchen; I think to prepare me a meal to enjoy. I always like the Manuels' hospitality. They never change. They always look peaceful. Their house is filled with love. They don't seem to have problems at all. I admire how their family is whole, how each of the member contributes his/her time for the other members of the family. I wonder when my family will live like this.

Theresa came back and beside her is Irene. Both of them are carrying two trays. Irene is carrying a tray with three glasses of water. Theresa is carrying a tray with three pieces of unleavened bread. Arian food, of course.

"Here you go," Irene said as she served me a piece of unleavened bread and the glass of water. I took a bite of the unleavened bread and a thought occurred to me. If the authorities haven't caught me, where could have they gone? Home. Mother. How is she right now? Did she find out about what happened to me? She might be looking for me! She might be worrying! What if the authorities came to our house and captured my mother instead? No.

"Do you have a phone?" I asked. Theresa raised her left eyebrow. And then I remembered that because they are poor, they cannot afford to buy expensive things like cellphone. "Oh – yeah. I'm sorry."

"Mom has," Theresa replied. "What for?"

"I'm going to call my mom."

"Okay," Theresa said. Irene went to her bedroom and when she went back to us, she handed me an old phone.

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