CHAPTER SEVEN: The Interrogator

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I opened my eyes. I am still in Isabelle's big backyard. I can smell the earth beneath me. I caressed the grass underneath my palms. I breathed in the smell of fresh leaves. A warm feeling filled every inch of my cold body. I looked at the beautiful sky and found out that the sun is about to set. A warm breeze have blown my cheeks and urged me to get up.

I tried to stand but a sharp pain pulled me to the ground. I checked for the place where the pain comes from and found out that it comes from the bullet wound that I received a while ago. It's swelling so badly. Pus is starting to form. Blood is streaming down my bad leg. At the sight of it, I felt weakness and hopelessness. It's like there is nothing I can do to survive this problem that I have encountered. I know that I have to get up and search for solutions for my problems but I just can't seem to think of a way to do it.

Suddenly, the image of my crying mother flashed in my mind. There's Theresa who comforts her. And there's Irene who is trying to find me. These are the only persons who cared for me. These are the only persons who are important to me and yet, I disregarded all of their sacrifices for me. I have been so selfish to act without thinking of the things that might happen to them when they find out that I'm gone. Stupid.

I am sure that they are not giving up. I am sure that they are still out there, looking for me. But, could they? Theresa knows where I am. Theresa knows what those men did to me. The question is where is she? If she knows, why am I still here? Where are my rescuers? Could the men chasing me chase her as well? Could the men who chased me decided to kill her, too? No. That is too much. They wouldn't kill an innocent person, right? No! They would kill an innocent person! I am innocent and yet, they wanted to kill me! I don't even know why they are chasing me! But... but... if they wanted to kill me, why am I still here? That is what I am going to find out.

With their pitiful faces flashing in my mind, I gathered all the strength remaining in my body to stand up. I entered Isabelle's house. It's really big. This part of their house which seems to be their kitchen can contain two of Theresa's house. I looked for Isabelle to apologize for what I did a while ago. I found no trace of her. It's weird because my memory tells me that she was with me before I pass out. Where could she have gone? Surely, she won't let me lying in her backyard knowing that I brought danger to her. Those who are chasing me couldn't kill her. She's too precious to be killed by them. She belongs to one of the most powerful families in New World. They wouldn't risk losing their lives.

I went out to the streets. The sun already set and it is the big bright moon that replaced the warm sun. Stars began to emerge and twinkle like little diamonds, luring everyone to come after them. I walked along the cold, deserted street. It's pretty terrifying because the houses seem to be empty, too. There are no lights to be found. There are no people outside the houses. A cold breeze brushed my cold cheek and I felt frozen. Goosebumps appeared on my clammy skin. I feel alone. I am afraid. Where could have everybody gone? Why am I the only one here? This is bad. This is really bad.

I continued walking with the light of the moon to guide my way back to Theresa's house. I have to be there to check on them, make sure they are safe and sound. When I reached the house, I opened its door. I did not bother knocking anymore because like the other houses, it looks deserted, too. As I open the door, a blinding light flashed. I looked back and discovered that the other houses did not have lights but this one had! Something's not right.

I focus my eyes inside the house again; I felt my soul being sucked out of my body. I feel like I will pass out again. I looked down and saw that I was stepping on blood. I traced its origin and I saw Irene's dead body on the floor. A pool of blood is surrounding her. I felt like puking. I wanted to cry because if Irene's dead, what could have happened to Theresa and mom?

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