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John shrugged. He could deal with this sort of thing - one wasn't friends with Sherlock Holmes if one couldn't adapt quickly.

However, as Sherlock wasn't exactly used to adapting, he may not have been taking things as well as he let on. The scary thing was, he couldn't tell anything about this strange machine - or how the hell it was 'bigger on the inside'.

That sort of thing couldn't, didn't, shouldn't happen! Sherlock dealt with logic, science, practical things. He dealt with finding the logical answer for improbable or seemingly impossible things.

He didn't simply accept things like a common sheep. He deduced, he researched, he knew. He was always, had always been, the one who could find an explanation. A logical explanation.

Except now, he couldn't.

And it scared him shitless.

The Sherlocked Doctor (superwholock)Where stories live. Discover now