
286 7 26


"..." - Dialogue

'...' - Thoughts



"Why do we have to go to this dumbass camp anyway?"

"Karma stop being so butthurt about it. I promise you will like it, and you will make new friends!"


Eva rolls her eyes as she continues driving her car to the camp. She recently got the job as a counselor at Camp Campbell, and so far seems to be excited about it. Karma was looking out a window in the backseat of the car, mumbling about how the camp was going to keep her away from her 'precious drawing tablet'.

After about a half a hour they finally reached the camp. Eva parked the car and grabbed her bag from the seat next to her.

"Here we are, Camp Campbell. We should probably go to the counselor's cabin and introduce ourselves!" said Eva.

"Or we could go back home, and pretend we never came here," Karma said sarcastically. Eva gave Karma a deadpanned look,

"Nope! We're staying. Don't worry, this'll be fun! Oh, look, it seems one of the other counselors are coming to greet us."

And there really was. Walking towards the two sisters was a young man with red hair and green eyes. He wore the Camp Campbell shirt and had brown hiking shorts on. A large smile was on his face and he seemed to be exceptionally cheery.

"Howdy! I'm David, the Head Counselor here at Camp Campbell! You must be Eva, the new counselor," said the man. His bright exuberance kind of scared Karma, but Eva just took it in stride.

"Yep! That's me, and this is my little sister, Karma," said Eva, pointing at the 10 year old next to her, "She'll be a new camper here! Karma, why don't you say hello?"

"Fuck off, I don't want to be here."

"Karma! Language!" Eva exclaimed, lightly hitting her upside the head. Karma hissed and batted Eva's hand away, "I apologize for her language. She's never really polite at first, but we're working on that."

"It's fine! I'm sure she'll calm down once she gets used to her new surroundings!" David exclaimed brightly. Eva wasn't so sure, she looked towards Karma waiting for the inevitable.

"Go suck a dick, idiot," There it was, Eva sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

'This is going a long summer,' Eva thought. She turned to David, who looked a bit befuddled at Karma's response, " How about we go meet the other campers?"

David brightened up, seemingly forgetting about Karma's earlier profanity, "That's a great idea! I'm sure they'll all be excited to meet you both! Follow me!"

David started walking away, and Eva and Karma followed. As they walked David explained how Camp Campbell was a camp that hosted many different kinds of camps, like Space Camp, Magic Camp, Extreme Sports Camp, etc. It was a bit strange to the two newcomers, but they just added it to the list of odd shit they've seen in life.

Eventually they reached the mess hall, and walked into a chaos zone. The kids were yelling and throwing food at each other. Eva and Karma stared wide eyed, and David whistled. The kids froze and turned to look at them. A boy with black hair and vibrant green eyes in a blue hoodie and jeans pushed  off of the wall he was leaning on, and said,

"What the fuck do you want, asshole? We're a little busy!"

Karma decided that she liked this kid. Eva though, looked over at Karma, then at the black haired boy, and then back at Karma. 

'Shit. There's two of them,' she thought. 

"Max! Language! Now where's Gwen?" David said.

"Mmmphh! Mmhhp!" A girl was tied up in the corner of the mess hall with a clod of something in her mouth. The girl had brown hair and purple eyes. She wore a Camp Campbell shirt and brown shorts. 

'That must be Gwen,' Eva thought as David went over to help her get free.

Once Gwen was free, she immediately went over to Eva and Karma, and said,

"Run while you still  can," before leaving the mess hall. That statement didn't really sit well with the two sisters. David walked back over to them and addressed the campers,

"Now, as you can see we have two new friends with us. This is Eva, our new counselor, and Karma our newest camper. Everyone give them a warm welcome!"

The campers were silent until Max broke it by saying,

"Welcome to hell."

Karma grinned, "Glad to be here."

Eva just sighed, 'What have I gotten myself into now?'



I only wrote 1 paragraph while my sister wrote the rest

She shall be co-writing with meh.

Cause im a lazy fuck.

Byeee XD

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