Crack Chapter

65 5 10

Forgive m3

Eva was in the Mess Hall, staring at a clock that was ticking by. She looks at it without blinking for a while until,


Eva turns around to see Karma and Ghostie screeching their ass off behind her.

"Well I sure hope so!" Eva says, turning her body completely to face them. "You kids have been playing outside for the past nine hours!!"

"Yeah.." Karma and Ghostie mumble in unison.

A unnerving silence was present between them.

"How would you kids like a delicious, chocolatey glass of CIRCLETINE?" Eva suggests, a crazed look in her eyes.

"CIRCLETINE!!" The kids yell.

Karma grabs a glass while screaming, throwing the cup across the room, breaking it.

"GET THE MILK AND VINEGAR!" Eva instructs.

Ghostie opens a fridge that was placed somewhere in the Mess Hall, and grabbed the milk.

Karma went to the cabinents and grabbed the vinegar.

They both placed the items on a table, smiling at it in a twisted way.

Eva slams the Circletine can onto the table dramatically.

Ghostie picks up the can and opens it. She then pours the powder right next to the glass, getting her aim wrong.

"Hey gang--" David says cheerfully, opening the door.

"CIRCLETINE!!!" Eva screeches in a demonic way. She tosses the empty can at David, who blocked it by closing the door in time.


Ghostie and Karma turn on the mixer, while tossing it onto the powder that was mixed with vinegar and milk poorly.

The mixer jumps every once in a while, vibrating loudly.

Eva looks at the mess they made with an evil grin, "It's ready,"

The kids slowly poke their heads from the table.

"Go tell Star,~"

Ghostie finds Star, who was reading fan fiction on Wattpad. She grins and yells, "CIRCLETINE!!!" Right in Star's ear.

Star screams in surprise and dies by a heart attack.

The end.

This is for me procrastinating

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