Chapter 2

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"And here we have our time-honored mascot, Larry, the hamster," David says to the bundle of kids walking behind him as he goes up to a small cage, which is currently occupied by a hamster.

The kids look at the hamster. It had brown-golden fur, beaded eyes, and it was holding a nut.

"Say hi, Larry!"

The group was expecting a squeak or nothing at all, but David puts his face really close to the cage, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Hi there campers! I hope you're ready to have fun today!" David says in a high pitched voice.

Karma feels like slamming her head against the wall.

"Don't forget to respect David and everything he does for you!" David says, the hamster nibbling on the nut.

He takes the hamster out of it's cage and gasps,
"Oh! He talked! Did you hear that?" David says, in that not as much annoying voice.

"Are you a gypsy?" Nikki asks David, suspicious.


"Ahem," Max cuts David off, grabbing everyone's attention. He takes out a small marble, and puts it in a masterfully-built Rube Goldberg machine.

'Oh this is gonna be good,' Karma thinks.

Once the bowling ball came into play, it triggered a rock, that had 'Fuck the Police' spray painted on it, flinging it through the air, hitting the poor hamster out of David's hand and into the air.

Everyone looks over at the hamster in the air, hearing it squeal in fear. The rock that was holding down, or up, the hamster, crashed into Spooky Island, which was across the Camp.

Karma just stares at where the hamster landed while Max walks up to David.

"Aw man, that was supposed to kill you," Max says as he looks up at David.

David was still in shock at what happened.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Eva asks, walking up to the group.

"Y'know, Max's failed attempt to kill David," Karma says. Max rolls his eyes.

Eva looks over at Max and Karma, and sighs.

"Of course I did." She says, and reaches over to smack Karma upside the head. Eva looks over at David, who looks like he's about to cry.

"You broke him, great, now I have to fix him." Eva mumbles. She walks up to David and tries to comfort him.

"If she hangs around him so much, why don't they just get married?" Karma mumbles to herself. Max hears this and snorts.

"Why don't we get a new mascot?" Eva suggests to David, hoping that would cheer him up.

And it did, he smiles at Eva "You know, that's not a bad idea!" David exclaims.

He walks up to the bundle of children, "Alrighty kids! Today we'll be on a hunt for a brand-new mascot!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, why you gotta put that shit on us?" Karma asks, with her arms crossed.

"Yea, we don't work here!" Max adds, waving his arms around.

"Well, you two, we were GOING to make hand-made icecream," David says to them both. "But someone killed our mascot and now we need a new one becauSE EVERY GOOD CAMP HAS A MASCOT!" He yells, his eyes widening even more every time he says a word.

'Aaand he's finally lost his mind!' Eva thinks.

David breathes heavily until he calms down, grinning brightly.

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