Chapter 7

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Everyone was in the mess hall, chatting away with each other, and possibly doing some crazy shit while they're at it. Today was a bright and sunny day, creating a fun atmosphere around Camp Campbell. Everyone was filled with energy, them having a fun day so far.

However, this wasn't the case for David.

David was happy as always, sure, but he was getting worried that if he or the rest of the camp fuck everything up in any way that he wouldn't get the prize he has been leaping for all summer.

"We're so happy to have you here today!" David beams at the hooded characters that followed him as he walked. 

"It's such an honor to have the Camp Critic Committee visit us again. You know, after last year's incident," David's smile drops as he says the last part. He stops walking and leans in closer to one of the hooded men. "Which I really want to apologize for that again, and if you were wondering," David says nervously, "Yes, the camper did survive... physically speaking,"

David the replaces his frown with a new smile, returning to his normal position,

"But, a lot has changed since then," he exclaims, "and I think that this year, you will see that I am truly, without a doubt, the prime candidate for the 'Camp Counselor of the Year Award!"

The hooded people start scribbling on their clipboard after David's mini-speech was over.

"Right," David trails, his self-confidence slowly draining, "well we've got a big day of outdoor activities planned." he puts up his index finger, "but as you know the most important start of any day is a balanced breakfast."

David looks over at one of the tables. Space Kid had his helmet off, and was drinking the syrup from the bottle. Nerris was munching on her pancakes, half of them being what Karma gave her since she hates pancakes, and wasn't all that hungry, anyway. Said girl was sitting right next to Nerris, staring at the black goop in Space Kid's helmet, which Space Kid soon placed upon his head.

"Yep, we run a tight ship around here, but we also encourage freedom of expression," David says as he rubs the top of Space Kid's helmet.

Karma cringes, "Do you even know what that is?"

David's smile slightly falters, "It's syr-"

"Um, David?" Gwen cuts David off.

"Not now!" David whispers. He looks over at the critiques, "Heh, sorry, this is one of our other counselors. She's got nothing to report, as always because our camp is really great, as always," he exclaims, kinda desperately, "have I mentioned how great our camp is?"

"David!" Eva yells, trying to get David's attention.

He turns around and speaks through gritted teeth, "HAVE I MENTIONED HOW GREAT OUR CAMP IS?!"

Eva growls with a pissed Gwen right beside her as they both glare at David. Eva was getting ready to smack some sense into him, and Karma looked over and glared at him as well. No gets to yell at her sister except her. No. One. Not even the guy her sister has a crush on.

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