Chapter 5

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This is NOT gonna take place in an episode. Think of it as a in between chapter or something

Sorry for the procrastination btw

Karma and Eva were hiking in a nearby woods alone. They both wanted to take a small break from the camp and just enjoy the silence.

"Hey, Eva?" Karma speaks up, breaking the previous silence.

Eva hums in response.

"Why DID you choose this job, anyway? I mean, there are better paying jobs out there...," Karma says, looking up at Eva.

Eva stops, her face going a bit dark.

"Well... I took the job because of you," Eva says.

Karma looks shocked, "Huh? What do you mean because of me?!"

"Mom and Dad... even if I hadn't taken this job... they still would've sent you here... by yourself."

Karma looks down and clenched her fists. Their parents have always been a sensitive subject between them. Eva notices this and sighs,

"They told me their plans, and I immediately knew that I wouldn't be able to stop them... not that I didn't try. It was part of the reason they kicked me out for that small while. You remember when I had to stay at Cassie's for a week?" Eva explains.

Karma nods. Of course she remembers, that was a horrible week.

"Anyway, I took this job because I didn't want you to be alone. I didn't know what this camp was like when I took the job, but I took it anyway because you're my little sister and I care about you. Even if we have our less then friendly moments," Eva seems to be lost in thought, and truly she's just speaking what's on her mind.

Karma listens and starts tearing up a bit. She notices this and quickly wipes the tears away, not wanting to seem weak.

"Thanks I guess..,"Karma says, trying to play it cool, not showing how much it really means to her.

Eva, well versed in the language of Karma smiles, "No problem, sis." She ruffles Karma's hair lightly. Karma bats her hand away, and playfully glares at her, but smiles a little. Eva smiles back.

Looking up at the sky, Eva notices it's starting to get dark. She looks back down at Karma.

"Come on, it's getting dark. We should head back to camp."

"Awww, do we have to?" Karma whines.

"What? You don't want to see Max, Karma? Well, I guess I was mistaken in my interpretation of the attention you've been giving him," Eva says, teasing Karma in revenge for the little stunt she pulled near the end of 'The Uprising' incident.

Karma blushes, "Shut up, Eva."

Eva giggles, and starts to head back to camp. Karma follows behind, and as she walks she gets a wicked idea.

"You know, Eva, you seem pretty eager to get back to camp. Got some plans with David?" Karma asks, smirking. Eva stops and turns red.

"W-what makes y-you think that?" Eva stutters. Karma's smirk grows larger.

"Well, you two seem to be pretty close if that little kiss a few days ago is anything to go by," Karma teases, " If you want I can help you with your relationship."

Eva's face gets an even brighter red, and shadows cover her eyes, "Karma, you have 5 seconds to run," She growls.

Karma takes off running and laughing, Eva chasing her all the way back to camp.

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