Christmas Special

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  Everyone was in the Mess Hall for breakfast. Max, Nikki, Neil, and Karma were huddled in a group at a table. Neil was chatting with Nikki and Max, while Karma was watching some Popee The Performer on Youtube. Usually, when the counselors see Karma watching this, they confiscate her phone. Only reason being is because she tried juggling knives before, and when Nurf tried punching her, Karma took out grenades she found and chases him with it.

Yeeeaaahh, not a good example.

"Hey, aren't you basically banned from that?" Max asks as he looks over Karma's shoulder. Karma shrugs and continues watching. "Oooh! Karma, are you gonna eat that?!" Nikki points at Karma's tray, which was basically full. "Ehhh, go ahead" she mumbles. Karma was too fixated on the show instead of the lil squad she's in. Neil munches on a pancake. "How do you even have wifi?" Neil asks confused. Karma only replies by holding up a Flower Scouts badge.

"..Oh" Neil mumbles. It was quiet, until Max exhales a long sigh. "I'ma go outside to have some fresh air or some shit" he gets up and walks out the Mess Hall. "Kay bye" Karma mumbles.

As Max walks outside, he felt a gust of air pass him. He shrugs it off and looks at nothing, basically daydreaming.

Well, until he noticed a snowflake falling.

He looks at it confused, until he finally processed what just happened. Max had a scared look on his face, and he jumps back. "WHAT THE FUCK?" He runs back into the Mess Hall. "David iT'S SNOWING!" Eva looks at Max like he lost it.

"No, no, no, Max! That isn't possible, it's Summer!" David reasons cheerily with a grin on his face. Karma looks over at Max, "Wait, it is?" Eva rolls her eyes, "Karma, don't believe him. Max is probably just pulling a prank on us.." Karma pauses her video and rushes out quickly, saying something like, "Never know til' you check it out,"

Neil, Nikki, and Eva went to a nearby window to check out if there was 'snow'. Sure enough, it was falling from the sky. "David, Max wasn't joking," Eva mumbles, a look of shock on her face. David had a confused look, "What do you mean?" He goes over to the window the three were crowding, and he saw the snow. "HOW?!" David yells. Max was checking outside with Karma, and they notice the snow is piling up. 

"...I think we should head inside," Karma suggest,

"Yeah, let's go," Max replies as he walks back in, Karma following.

Everyone was now looking out the window, either excited or confused as hell. Max places his hands on the window, focusing on the snow outside, "I don't believe it," he says. Neil nods in response. Karma shrugs, "Well, I mean, it's right in front of you, soo.." Max glares at her, "Shut up,"

"Kids! Get over here!" Gwen ushered Neil, Karma, and Max away from the window, since they were the three closest to it. They obliged, them huddling around the three counselors. Neil looked confused as fuck, "What in the hell's going on out there? Snow in the middle of summer?" Gwen did that 'thinking pose', "I may still be working on my masters in meteorology..." she trail. "WHY?" Max complains, making Gwen's eyes widen a little, "But, I'm pretty sure we can chalk this one up to climate change," she finishes.

"Something I do not care about," Karma says in a robotic voice. Eva glares at her. David looks over at Karma with a blank stare, then back at the rest of the children, "Don't worry gang! We'll all get through this weather together!" he says enthusiastically. "Wait, where's Nikki?"

Everyone automatically looks at a chimney in the Mess Hall, which was never there. "Look! Something's coming down that chimney that's always been there!" Nurf yells, pointing at a chimney. "Talk about being Self-Aware" Karma mumbles. Eventually, Nikki fell down the chimney, landing on her feet, "It's a miracle!" She yells, "I'm just so excited, everybody! It's just like the happiest, snowiest, most magical holiday of the year!" Nikki skips over to the group, "Parent's day~"

This made Karma and Eva cringe at that word. 

"You mean Christmas?" Gwen asks. "Oh. Right. Sorry, I don't know why I always mix those two up," Nikki apologizes. "It's not Christmas, Nikki. It's just nature trying to kill us all before we kill it first," Max says. Karma and Eva laughs at this. Everyone else just stare at Max.

Nikki frowns, and looks at David, "But can't we just PRETEND?" she whines. "Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, PLEEEASE?!" She did that puppy dog pose. David shakes his head, "Sorry, Nikki, but the weather's going to put a lot of stress--" Nikki practically jumps onto David, grabbing his scarf, "But I LOVE Christmas, David!"She yells, "We can sing songs, and play games, and have so much FUN!"

David's eyes widen as the word 'Fun' echoed through his mind.

Well, more like Nikki whispering it in his ear over and over.

David grins at the thought, eyes gleaming. He looks at Nikki, "Fun?! Without me even having to ask you?!" he asks. "Oh dear lord no," Eva facepalms. "Okay, hold on!" Gwen intervenes, walking up to the two, "We have a lot of work to do!" David smiles, " I couldn't agree more, Gwen! Quick! What's everyone's favorite Christmas tradition?"

"No, that's not--"

Neil walks up to them, "Eh, I'm actually Jewish, so I'm not sure this whole thing really applies to me," Max follows, "Yeah. And I don't care. UNLESS you're getting us presents!" Nikki gasps, "WHAT?!" David gasps aswell, "Presents? That's right. And a tree. And non-specific holiday decorations so one feels left out!" David rants.

Eva and Gwen give disapproving looks at David. 

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