Chapter 6

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"Alright campers! Time for swimming camp!" David beams.

Some of the campers cheer, while the rest groan.

Karma wasn't really looking forward to it. She had to wear a swimsuit. She loved swimming, but she hated swimsuits.

Max and Neil were part of the group that groaned. Neil didn't care for swimming, and Max just hated whatever David liked, and David liked swimming.

Eva couldn't wait! She loved swimming. It mostly stemmed from the fact that she was better at swimming than she was at walking.

Gwen just wanted to be anywhere else than here. Everyone else was excited though, especially David and Eva.

"Girls, come with Gwen and I. Boys, you're with David. We're going to get swimsuits on," Eva said. The campers went up to their designated counselors. Gwen and Eva took the girls to the girl's bathroom to get changed. David took the boys to the boy's bathroom.

While the rest of the girls were putting on their swimsuits, Karma went up to Eva, who had finished getting her swimsuit on, and pulled her aside.

"What's wrong, Karma?" Eva asked.

"My legs, the swimsuit doesn't cover my legs," Karma says, trying to give Eva hints without actually saying anything. Eva's eyes widened a little.

"I see. Since I'm guessing you'd rather not tell anyone the truth about them, then I guess we can say that you got them from when we went hiking when we were younger. You tripped and fell into a thorny bush, and it cut your legs up a bit. It a plausible, and believable excuse," Eva suggested, "What do you think?"

Karma hesitantly nods. She thinks it's somewhat risky, but she'll do it.

Eva smiles softly at Karma. "Why don't you go out there now, kay?"

"O..okay," Karma responds, she grabs her towel and walks to the lake.

Right when Karma left the girls bathroom, Nikki rushes past everyone and immediately jumps into the lake.

"WOOOO!!" Nikki yells.

David soon walks out of the boys bathroom and looks over at Nikki who was splashing water everywhere.

David was wearing swimming trunks and flip-flops.

Karma was practically dying inside cause she feels naked, not wearing a hoodie puts her way out of her comfort zone.

Eva walks out wearing a blue and black one piece with an open back, and black sandals.

Soon enough, Max, Neil, and Harrison came out of the bathroom.

Neil and Max were wearing swimming trunks, while Harrison was wearing shorts and a shirt.

Karma felt uncomfortable with the amount of people and immediately rushed back into the bathroom.

Nerris was done changing and was about to go out until she sees Karma. "What are you doing? Don't you want to swim?"

Karma sighs, "Not really, I feel uncomfortable with the number of people outside," she mumbles.

"C'mon! We both can search for sea monsters together!" Nerris exclaims, grabbing onto Karma's hand.

Karma flinched and jerks her hand away. "Don't touch me,"

Nerris looks confused. "Yeah, I've been wondering... Why don't you like being touched? Are you sick?"

Karma looks away, blushing from embarrassment, "W..Well, I--"

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