
395 13 2

(Reader's P.O.V.)

I just began running without looking back. Where was I even trying to go? My head was growing dizzy from all the thoughts swarming my mind. Just what the heck is going on?! What was that power?! A hand grabbing my wrist pulls me out of my thoughts and I begin to panic. "You can relax. I'm not going to hurt you." I turn to the sound to see a black and red hedgehog holding my wrist. "And here I was thinking they evacuated everyone. Follow me." He pulls me into a store, which seems to be abandoned in the chaos. "Wait here. I'll come get you when it's safe." I slumped down to the floor as I hear the battle wage on outside the abandoned convenience store. Just what is going on? Why did this all have to happen? One of those monsters got too close to the store and was trying to break down the door. I run to the back room looking for a backdoor out of this place. I peek back into the main store to see the thing searching around. Probably looking for a me-sized snack to munch on. I lock the door and look for things to barricade it. All I find is a fold-out metal chair. It'll have to do for now. I place it under the door knob. I need to find that back door now. I'm not safe here. I can already hear something approach the door and I have now come to the realization this store does not have a back door for me to escape out of. But, it does have a locker I can hide in. I quickly squeeze into it and shut the door before whatever comes into the backroom can find me. Footsteps enter the room and I start holding my breath hoping it was the hedgehog from earlier. "Are you sure you found the human here?" A voice I don't recognize enters the room I'm hiding in. "If she was here, she isn't now. I'll look around a little longer, you may go." The larger set of footsteps leaves but I can see someone is still here. They look like the hedgehog from in here but, they don't sound like him. "Where could a human like that possibly go? There's only one exit in this place and I already know that isn't where she went. Unless..." I hear a locker being broken open. I'm done for.

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now