The End Of The War

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I eventually pull away from Eclipse with tears in my eyes. Did I do it? Did I bring him back or was I just fooling myself all this time? "(Y/N)? Was that the wrong time too? You seem upset." "Huh?" He smiles at me and wipes away my tears which stopped falling in my shock. "I had thought when you kissed me it was okay to kiss back. Was I mistaken?" My tears threaten to fall once more but this time not out of sadness but joy. I'm so overwhelmed with happiness I pull him into another kiss before finally telling him what my heart has been trying to tell me this whole time. "I love you Eclipse... Welcome back..." He wipes more tears from my face. "I see... I'm sorry to have distressed you like this. It was not my intent. I came here with intentions of protecting you but I guess it was foolish to come here without your power to help me. I promise this time I won't leave you alone." He pulls me close, hugging me tight. "I can't believe I almost lost you and it would've been my fault had you not saved me." He pulls away and helps me to my feet. "I have a request of you (Y/N). I discovered the secret to your power and I want to know if will you let me borrow some of it so I can finish this." I nod and raise my hand, a small glowing light at the center of it. It flies out of my hand to Eclipse, surrounding him with glowing power. "Good luck... and please come back okay." He smiles before leaving the room. "I promise."

(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    I exit the room leaving (Y/N). I know she'll be fine. Somehow, in that short amount of time, she figured out her power and how to give it to others. I rush through the halls of the ship with one goal in mind, find and destroy Black Death. Running faster as her power increases my speed and strength. Defeating all the enemies who stand in my way until I finally reach his door. I bash it down with enough force to send it flying into the back wall. Too bad it missed my target. Time to end this.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    While Eclipse is busy with Black Death he asked me to get Shadow to destroy the new Black Comet. He said that would defeat the rest of the aliens on earth. With my newfound power fully under control I fight my way through the enemies and punch a hole in the outer wall. I see those flying creatures soaring around the comet. There's my ride. I jump on one's back and start steering it towards the base camp. Others notice and begin to attack the one I'm flying on but I quickly blow them away. Almost there. I get knocked out of the sky by one of the footsoldier aliens and I barely manage to land on my feet. So much for an easy landing. I continue to fight my way through until I finally reach the camp. "Shadow! I need your help! I have a plan!" Shadow comes rushing up to me seeing the state I'm in. My arms and legs are all scratched up from forcing myself out of that clay but that's not my main concern right now. "(Y/N)? What happened to you? Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm okay... Just had a rough landing. I have a plan to defeat the aliens though. Do we have somewhere else we can talk?" Once he leads me into the tent I tell him about Eclipse's plan. At first, he was skeptical about Eclipse's change of heart but, the more I explained the easier it became for him to agree. Now all that's left is to put it into action.

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now