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(Reader's P.O.V.)

After finishing my food, I decided to go back to sleep. I'm pretty exhausted after all the events. My eyes slowly shut and I drift into sleep. "(Y/N), (Y/N) sweetie. Time to wake up." "Mom?" "(Y/N) you're going to be late for school what are you doing still in bed?" I see my mother at my bedside smiling at me. Was everything up until now a dream? "Is something wrong sweetheart?" "No, I'm fine." "All right. Why don't you go get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast." I get up to get dressed when I hear my mother scream. "NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I rush downstairs to find my mother dead and a black alien grabs me from behind. "NO!"

(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

I suddenly hear the sound of the human, (Y/N), screaming. Something's not right. Is she being attacked? I rush into the aisle to find her screaming in her sleep. I quickly wake her before it gets worse. When she opens her eyes I see tears stream down her face and does something unexpected. She hugs me. Her frightened form trembles as she holds onto me as if her life depends on it. Then I notice something else. As she hugs me I feel a strange power flow into me. Is this her power?

(Reader's P.O.V.)

Tears continued to stream down my face as I hugged Eclipse. The only reason I'm hugging him at the moment is because he just happened to be there when I woke up. He doesn't seem too bothered by me hugging him though. I eventually pull away, still shaking from the nightmare I just had. It makes me worry about my mother. Is she alright? Did the soldiers rescue her? Or did she end up like my dream? That thought scares me. Not knowing if she's alright. And what about Axel? Is he okay? When I left the bus did the black aliens get him too? "Are you alright (Y/N)?" "Huh? O-oh... I-I'm okay... I guess..." "What happened?" "I had a nightmare... Nothing you need to worry about." "What happened in it?" "I'd rather not talk about it." "Well if it helps, I know it would never come true. We need you and we wouldn't allow any harm to come to you. Physically or mentally." I nod and he sits beside me. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell him what happened in my dream. They say if you tell someone about it, the dream won't come true. "My mother..." "Huh?" "You asked me about the nightmare. It was about my mother." "And what happened." "In the dream one of you guys killed her..." I started crying again and Eclipse pulls me to him. "Do... you perhaps miss this individual?" "I do... She's the one who raised me." Eclipse seems deep in thought before speaking again. "Would it comfort you to know she's alright?" "It would..." "She looks similar to you right?" I nod. "Wait here and don't move."  

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now