A Plan For The End

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(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    After the excitement of what happened moments ago, I was able to give (Y/N) her meal and give her a more comfortable place to rest. We moved to a house that was left abandoned during the invasion. While she rested I needed to come up with a plan, surely Black Death would soon come to know of my betrayal. As soon as he finds out what I've done he'll come after me. I need to get him first before that happens. As I continue to think up plans, an idea began to grow. Unlikely enemies call for unlikely allies. There's no way they'd listen to me but, if I handed her off to them she'd be safe while I got rid of Black Death. As I began to formulate my plan, a sharp pain hit my heart. There was no physical damage done, however, the thought of leaving her made my heart sting. I didn't want to leave her in the hands of my old enemy but, I certainly didn't want to hand her over to the new one. The safest place for her now was away from me. I can't afford to be selfish when I know my new enemy wants to take her lifeforce. He wanted me to find and guard her until she was brought to him. In other words, I was ordered to keep her alive until he killed her. I won't let him have her anymore. She belongs to me and I don't plan on handing her off so easily. Hopefully my dear brother is still alive so I can keep her safe. If my plan works I can stay with her without worrying about Black Death coming to kill us. With my plan in mind, I slip into her room and gently pick her up. I exit the abandoned house and start heading in the direction of a G.U.N. stronghold I had seen before. The very same one that I found the human she calls mother.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    When I opened my eyes I awoke to a familiar face. "Thank god you're alright! I was so scared I'd never see you again!" Tears streamed down my mother's face. When she pulled away I finally realized where I was. I was in an infirmary tent, lying on a cot with new bandages around my wound. When I lifted them slightly I found a set of stitches underneath. "Mom where am I, what happened?" "You're in one of the refuge camps  G.U.N. set up. Many of the people from the city were brought here. I'm so glad the soldiers finally found you." "Where exactly did the soldiers find me?" "They told me they found you just a little ways from the camp. You were wearing bloody bandages and were brought here to be stitched up. I wasn't allowed to see you until they were done. They were worried you passed out from blood loss. I'll go let the medics know you're awake now." She got up from my side and left the tent but, there was one question still left on my mind. Where's Eclipse?

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now