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(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    The foolish echidna woman finally collapsed in defeat. That took too long. Now to reclaim what is ours. Where is she? She was right here when I arrived! "Where is she?!" I pull the echidna by her hair, forcing her up. "Where is the girl?!" "I don't know!" Then I notice it. A path of upturned dirt. So the blue one showed up and made off with our prize. He will pay dearly for this.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    "Glad to see you're still alive." The black hedgehog approaches us and my 'kidnaper' finally puts me down. Now that I have a clear look at him, he's a blue hedgehog with red sneakers, also known as the hero Sonic the hedgehog. "You're Sonic. I've seen you on TV before." He laughs and rubs his nose. "Guess I'm popular." "We don't have time to be sitting out here. Let's go inside before those things notice us." The black hedgehog, I assume his name is Shadow, led us inside the G.U.N. stronghold. A temporary base of operations while dealing with the black aliens. "So umm... What the heck is going on?" "We recently discovered that the aliens are looking for something in particular. The invasion is just a way to find it." "To find what?" A white bat enters the room while we were talking. "To find something that gives them power. From what I can tell they think it's somewhere around here. Shadow, the commander wanted to see you. I can explain things to the girl here if you'd like." The hedgehog simply nods and exits the room. "Umm... would the thing the aliens are looking for have something to do with an ancient prophecy?" "Hmm? What makes you say that?" "Well, I think they might be after-" A sudden crash and an alarm going off interrupts me. "We're under attack! The black aliens are at our doorstep!" the intercom shouts throughout the stronghold. "You'll have to finish that thought later sweetie. Find somewhere to hide and we'll come find you. Come on Sonic. We have hostiles to take out." They leave and I begin my search for a hiding spot. Not having much luck, I'm confronted by my old friend the locker. I squeeze in, gently closing the door just enough to hide me but not lock me in. I don't want a repeat of last time. Another crash causes the floor to tremble, causing my locker to fall and close the door. Fantastic... It feels like hours pass as I lay here in a shut locker. I can feel liquid running down my right side. I had almost forgotten it was there. My wound, the one covered in strange medicine, was now bleeding out. This is it. Game over.

(Eclipse's P.O.V.)

    After using soldiers to stir up chaos, I slip in undetected. There's too much rubble down here. I should've been clearer with my instructions. What if I lose her because of this? That human is important. We need her power. If she's dead, we'll lose that power forever. The chaos above causes a tremor down here. I hear a loud clang of a locker toppling over from the violent tremors above. I might as well take a look. When I approach the room, I notice a single knocked-over locker. Red fluid seeps through the cracks in the door and I hear a small cry for help. It's weak but I recognize the voice immediately. Her wound must be bleeding out. If I don't get her out now, she'll die from blood loss. I should've kept a closer eye. None of this would've happened if I hadn't let her out of my sight. I remembered the last time I freed her from this metal deathtrap. She mentioned bolt cutters. Likely the humans occupying this place would keep one handy in case the locker locked itself. I need to find it fast, she doesn't have a lot of time. If I lose her now, it's all over for us. After searching to no avail, I decide it's better to just break the lock by force. I force the door open with all my strength to find the human girl unconscious. Her breathing appears shallow. I gently attempt to pick her up when she winces in pain. I need some way to slow the bleeding for the time being and I don't see any white boxes nearby. If I were to go look for one now it would be too late. Her shirt... if I used the cloth from her shirt it would bandage the wound until I brought her back to the Black Comet. I carefully tear the shirt until I have enough material to cover the exposed wound and gently wrap it. I tie the ends to keep everything tightly pressed. I carefully pick her up and make my way out of the place. From now on I'm not letting her escape from my sight.

Lunar Eclipse (Eclipse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now