Chapter 8 - Internal Battle

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Jack's POV ~





I heard my name muffled and distant. I looked around but all I saw was darkness.



I looked around, searching for the familiar voice.
A pair of cold hands suddenly shook me.

"Jack! Are you listening? Mom said you have to! Don't you want to?"

I blinked and looked down to see my sister staring up with wide eyes.

    I choked out.

    "Jack, what's wrong? You promised me last night!"
    She kept pulling my sleeve.

    I looked down at her brown hair falling in front of her eye. Her wide eyes full of wonder.

    "Jack! Plea-"

    I pulled her into a gigantic hug as I knelt down.
    Her warmth.
    I could feel her heart.
    I could finally hug her for happiness, for my mistake.
    I could finally give everything I had for the past years.

"I missed you little one..."
    I managed to whisper.

    "Jack... you were with me all night.... you're acting weird. Did you eat another weird mushroom?"

    I laughed and pulled her away to see her face.

    "Why are you crying?"

"I-i'm excited... that's all...,"

   Mary grabbed my hands and began pulling me.

    "Great! Then let's go! The ice is ready!"

     I froze.



    The day we were supposed to go iceskating on that fateful day.

"We can't Mary, not yet. It's not thick enough."
I say through gritted teeth.

She blinked at me.

"What do you mean? It's been forming all month, you said it yourself, it's ready."

I blinked back the tears and shook my head down.

"No, no, no, no, no. I was wrong, i-i-it was dangerous we shouldn't have gone. We can't, we mustn't."
I stammered as I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the door.

"B-but Jack..."
She said.

"This is the last time you'll be seeing me."

I turned around to no longer a little girl, but a grown woman with the same big eyes and brown hair.
I let go and backed up.

"Jack? Jack? It's me it's me. Don't you wanna play?"
She stepped towards me.

I grabbed myself to keep from shaking.

She stepped again.

"But this is our last time Jack. Don't you want to see me?"

"T-t-this isn't y-you...,"

By this time I was crying.
I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I could hear them hit the ground when they fall.
Everything echoed and were deafening.
I couldn't look at her as she reached her arms out to me.

"Jack, Jack, you lost your chance."

I looked up to see no longer a healthy woman, but the girl I watched in vain, suffering at the hands of flames. Her arms scarred by the dark marks, her fingers' missing bits, and half her face, ash.

I crawled back on the ground as she crept to me, but her figure changing.

"Jack, Jack,

save me, save me!

Jack, Jack,

Kill me, KILL me!"

Her voice, a combined sound of all the people I knew.
My dad, my mom, my friend, Jamie, Bunny, North, Tooth,
The figure eerily cackled and another voice echoed.

"You see Jack, you see what I can DO now,"
Pitch laughed.

Mary's brown eyes shifted to gray. Her hair darkened and pulled its way back.
Her green dress turned to a black robe, flowing behind the owner.

"I can't be there physically, but it is MUCH easier to grab your fear, especially from the great Jack Frost. After witnessing your sister again. I bet you won't move from that hole for awhile. See you, Jack."

Pitch disappeared and the once cozy home transformed back to the cold hole I had been in.

Dêjá Vu.

Wow, this was really depressing. I don't know about you guys but it's really sad to see Baby 😉 Jack hurt.

YES. We finally saw what happened to his sister and yes her name is Mary because that's what's been suggested in google (i checked).

Plus, wow Pitch's new power. He is able to easily manipulate anyone now and place them in the worst nightmare.



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