Chapter 23- A Confrontation

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Elsa's Pov~

I felt a sudden rush of frost. The Southern Isles, home of my past enemy and a new monster. How bad could this place be anymore?

"Well, this is it. Why would they want to be here?"
    Tooth broke the silence.


    "Oh yeah Elsa, our fearless guider, Manny, sent down a hint of Pitch's plan. It involved a man named Facilier who controls evil spirits. We assume they joined forces; Pitch for the wealth and Facilier for the power."

What? Another supernatural being? Spirits?

"Wow...Another enemy..."
    I let my sentence drift into silence.

    "It's okay Elsa, it must be easier, after all, he's human."

I sighed and looked around.

The icy kingdom, almost equal to mine, seemed similar to home. The dark green and gold crusted tips of the castle gleamed in the dusking sunlight.
Its grand presence seemingly closer to eeriness.
Us? We were far from the village but we could see the hustle and bustle of the people.

I sighed and clutched my hands again, ready to face the man who almost succeeded in taking the crown.
I turned behind to face the group.

"We must search the town, 'starting with the Southern Isles' he said. Who knows what they plan to do here."

Rapunzel nodded, the guardians letting down their arms.

"Shall we split up?"

"Probably best, after all we are the guardians and easily recognized,"
Tooth said.

I nodded.

"Okay Queen Elsa, you can protect yourself so Sandy you go with her but stay high above and watch her, do not do anything unless it involves the end of our lives. Me and Bunny will sweep the houses, Rapunzel and Tooth may search the surrounding woods,"
said North.

Rapunzel quickly responded.
"Wait how do we find this 'Facilier'?"

The guardians were quiet.

"We don't exactly know..."
Tooth answered lowly.

I froze.

    The guardians noticed the shock on our faces.

    "We only saw the outline of his body."
    North replied quickly.
    "We'll feel something when we see him. The dark spirits are following him. Okay? Okay. We go now. Good luck everyone."

So much for reassurance.

    We nodded and they took off.
But where do I go?

The only place left. The marketplace in front of the castle.

I nodded and followed the clear path towards the crowd.


The town was certainly big and busy. As soon as I made that turn, I was awed. The place was almost like Arendelle but it was bigger and more complex.

I took a deep breath.

Don't worry Elsa. You won't hurt anyone. It is safe.

I started my way down the place, looking left and right for anyone who seemed weird.

"That's 50 euros." "Carrots!"

"What?!" "Get your warm wool for tha winta!"

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