Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After cleaning myself up, I went to check Martha if everything's okay.

"Martha?" I called her name but no respond, so I tried again, "Hey Martha? Are you okay?" and finally a respond came.

"Yes yes, I'm okay, come in!" She has a cheerful voice, I wonder what happened.

"What's with that cheerful attitude?" I asked her while smiling.

"Well, uhm... Remember when you and Evan we're here alone a while ago? Then you left me and Ian alone?"

"Uhuh, what about tha-," I cut my sentence when an idea popped in my head. This is something about Ian for sure, "OMG! Don't tell me that something happened between the two of you? Tell me! Tell me! Update!" I acted like a 5 year-old kid.

"Well, we kinda, fell on the couch when he accidently pushed me. I don't know how, don't ask me. The point is that, hefellontopofme!" I wasn't able to understand her last few words because she spoke them too fast.

"He what? You speak too fast, you know?" I gave her a c'mon-just-tell-me-now.

"He. Fell. On. Top. Of. Me. And. We. Almost. Kiss. Each. Other.!" She said each word slowly while her face was turning as red as a tomato.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I can't breathe. I'm imagining the two of you. You two, are going to make a cute couple," I clapped my hands while grinning.

"Hm, you think he likes me back?" What kind of question is that, Martha?

"Duh! Yes! He does!" I answered her with a obvious tone.

"I hope he likes me the way Evan likes you. The way he looked at you a while ago, it was pure of love. I hope you give him another chance," She's smiling at me with a sincere look.

"Whoa whoa, hang in there, I thought you hate him? You shouted at him," I laughed, "and now you're making me want to give him another chance?"

"C'mon, yes I shouted at him, but, I realized how much he loves you, the way he smiles at you, I can tell that Evan is crazy in love with you,"

I don't know what to answer her. I'm... speechless..?

"Whatever makes you sleep tonight, girl," are only the words I can say. I stood up from her bed and said goodnight to her while closing her door.

I guess this is where this day ends.


"Sharlz! Wake up!" I felt someone was shaking me. C'mon I still wanna sleep.

"Stop it! I'm still sleepy!" I slapped the hands away.

"Ugh! Sharlz, we're gonna be late for school. It's already 7:00! Get your ass up now!" That's when I realize it was Martha's voice

SCHOOL. 7:00. Uh-oh. 30 MINS!

I quickly got up from the bed and started fixing myself. Shower, then fix hair, breakfast, fix my things up and finally, hop in the car.

"Sorry, Mar!" I apologized for being a lazy girl to wake up. Hey, I know everbody hates waking up so late!

"No probie sissy! I'm used to it," she winked at me.


Dropping the subject of, "Great! 15 mins to prepare yourself, 10 to go to arrive at school, I guess we wouldn't be late after all. We still have 5 mins remaining." Martha said.


We're here now. Finally.

"Hey Sharlz!" Someone called me at the back. Turning around to see who's calling me. Evan

"Hey Ev!"

"So, don't forget 6pm," he said with a smile. I love his smiles.

"What? 7pm? Wha- Oh yeah yeah, sure, I'll show up, don't worry," I almost forgot about the dinner. Date

What am I thinking? Date? No!


I was not able to respond due to that freakin' bell. I hate tgat bekl, breaking my moment with Evan.

"See you around, eh?" Evan started to walk to his class. I just gave him a quick nod.


I quickly search for an empty chair for me to occupy. When I realize, I'll be sitting in front of the school's bad boy, Kyle Reids. Really? Badluck.

Right timing, Mrs. Bellmington arrived. "Good morning class, so for today, we won't have lesson, instead, you'll be reading 'The Fault In Our Stars' for the next hour,"

My favorite book. I've read that a billion times.

"Well, Ms. Anderson?" Mrs. Bellmington called me.

"Yes Mrs. Bellmington?" I asked with fully polite words.

"My wild guess is that you've finished book, right?"

"Yes. Billion times." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Well then, Mr. Reids, I believe you already finished the book too," she said looking at the confident looking Kyle.

Oh. No.

"Yup!" He answered with a smirk.

"Okay, Mr. Reids and Ms. Anderson are excused for marking the best students here in Luxford Academy. In short, you two are the top 2 students in our batch," she proudly announced in our class.

Really? I'm not dreaming? Kyle? The badass? Top 2? Wait! I'm always the Fifth best! Finally! Top 2!

But, I have to spend my whole hour just to be with that guy. C'mon. Yay Life.

"And the other news, you'll be excused the whole day. Go wherever you want Do whatever you want, but only stay in the school," she said with a smile.

Oh. The whole day. Right.

I looked at Evan mouthing "Congratulations". Of course I said thank you.


Watcha think guys? Having a badboy in this story? :))

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