Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Bro, might as well treat us? you know, a celebration?" Ian said with a smirk on his face. God, all this time, I never knew that his eyes were green.

Evan grinned on what Ian had said, "Sure why not, right babe?" Evan looked at me.

Uh huh, babe, seriously? C'mon Sharlz, you know you love it!

"Excuse. Me.? Babe ? You know what, we aren't official yet," I looked shocked with what I said.

Damn myself!

"Whoa whoa, Sharlz, yet ? So you're planning that at the end, you'll still make it official?" Marth said.

And. They. All. Laughed. Ahuh, funny.

"I.. uh.. I.. have to go and.. uh.. fix myself, uh... to get ready for the celebration...?" I stated, more likely a question.

I quickly went upstairs and go to my bestfriend's room. As soon as I arrived, I slapped myself four times. "What the hell, Sharlz. Ugggh!" I muttered to myself. Soft enough only for myself to hear.

I heard a knock on my door so I quickly fixed myself.

"Come in,"

And once the door open, I saw this guy. A guy whose masculine body is.. PERFECT. His hair is colored dirty brown, but hey, it fits him. His lips is burnin' red that made me wanna kiss him. WHAT!?!

"Done checking me out?" Evan said with a smirk.

"Am not!"

"Really? Well, explain why you were looking at me from head to toe,"

"Uh.... Whatever, what brought you here?" I feel like I'm burning red now. My cheeks are red as a tomato for sure.

"I just wanna check you out if you're okay, after you're sudden 'run away'" He made a quotation mark on air.

"Well... I'm okay," My words are shuttering.

"Okay, so, uh, I have to go now," He said.

"What? You're going home?" Why? problem? He's just going home. "I mean, yeah sure, goodnight... Sweet dreams," I slightly bent my head down because what I said at first was so embarassing. Of course he is going home.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams too!" He came near me and pulled me into a tight hug.

God, he's so hot. What a smell, I love his smell.

He started speaking again snapping me out of my thoughts, "Sharlz?"

"Hmm?" I asked with a soft voice, enough for us only to be heard.

"I miss you, I love you." He said while breaking our hugging moment. Then, he started moving his hand on to my face, caressing my cheeks.

"I miss you too," What!? Did I just said that? Oh well, that's the truth.

We quickly move apart from each other when we heard Martha's voice coming.

"Sharlzieeee? Evan?"

"We're here!" Evan and I said in unison. We both blushed.

"Oh there you are! So, Sharlz, what about a sleep over?" Martha asked looking at me.

"Sure" I smiled at her.

"Okay.... Sorry for breaking the love birds moment here, I'll leave you two now" She quickly went out the room.

"I'll go now, princess" He smirked at me while getting out of the room.

I followed him, not because to go with him, but because we're going the same way. Evan... Going home. Me... Going back to the sofa. Again.

"Ian, c'mon, we're leaving," Evan called for Ian.

"Okay, bro, bye girls," Ian waved at us, goodbye.

"Bye, guys" Martha and I both said in unison.

At last, they're gone.

"You want him to stay, don't you? I know that face, Sharlz!" Martha asked me whilist stifling her laugh.

"Whatever, Mar.. Whatevr makes you happy," I smirked at her.

I sat on the couch to relax myself. I really really miss this comfy couch.

My phone suddenly vibrate that it made me startle. Fuck.

A smile appeared on my face when I saw the person who texted me. Evan.

'Continue the movie date tomorrow night?' (Evan)

'A date? Never thought that was a date a while ago. But, yeah, sure. xD
xoxo' (Sharlz)

'Great, tomorrow, 6pm. I'll be expecting ;)' (Evan)

'Don't worry, I'll show up ;) Goodnight :D' (Sharlz)

After that text, I put back my phone and went upstairs at the guest room.

Oh no, I forgot to text mom about staying here at Martha's house. Hayz. Yay life.

I got back my phone texting my mom.

'Hey mom! How's work? Got many patients?' (Sharlz)

'Oh hi sweetie. Yes, got many patients. Made me tired. But anyways, did you eat?' (Mom)

Oh. I haven't eat yet. Gheesh.

'Yes mom, I already ate ;) Pizza with Martha. Oh mom, I'll be staying for tonight here in Martha's house' (Sharlz)

Ahuh, I lied.

'Okay, sweetie,take care xoxo' (Mom)

After texting my mom. I went in the room. What a day.

I went to get my left clothes in the closet. I left some clothes here in case I sleep in Martha's house.

I need shower. Now.



Hey guys szup? Kinda long hahahaha... anyways, please pleaseeee support this book :)


It would mean a lot :)

A/N: Ignore all wrong grammars. I'm not perfect ;)

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