Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Excuse.Me.? Did I heard right? H-he just said that h-h-he still loves me? And that he was sorry?

Yeah, stupid, yes, yes he just did said that! Now happy?

My inner voice just answered me.

"I-I understand if you won't answer back. I've been keeping this damn secret all alone, I can't keep it anymore that's why I told you. Please just don't be mad," He lowered his head while speaking.

Mad? Why would I be mad?

"Mad? No! I won't be. It's okay, it's not your fault having this little crush on me," Did I just said those words? What the? 


"Ye-yeah, I won't be," I smiled at him. "C'mon, Ian and Martha are waiting for us," I lead the way all the way 'til the theaters.

I saw them.. I saw them still lining up, but nearly their turn.

"Hey Mar.!" I put my arms around her neck. I looked at the smiling Ian looking at me. "What?!" I asked him.

"So, what did'ya guys talk about?" Ian asked me.

Before I got a chance to answer him, Evan enturrepted and answered him.

"Just a confession that I still love her," He answered Ian confidently.

I looked at him with my eyes wide opened.

"Wh-what? Y-you what? You love her? After what you've done? You still got a fucking guts to tell that to her? We already accepted you as a friend. Oh wait, to be more clear, BESTFRIEND! Assh-" Martha yelled at Evan but I cut her sentence off because I think she's being too over-reacting.

"Stop it! It's not a big deal Mar.," I told her.

"Martha, I-I regret that day. The day I cheated on her. It was just a single day. A mistake. A single mistake Martha. I can explain what had happened that day," He answered back, a bit calm.

"Oh yeah? Okay go explain!" Martha was seriously mad.

"Hey! Before that explanation thing, Mar., did you buy the tickets yet?" I but in.

"No," she said

"Let's go! We gotta get out of this place, people are looking at us. Let's go to your place for a while to finish and clear things up," I commanded.


It was just a 10 minute drive 'till we arrive at Martha's house. We went in. Martha turned the lights on while us, we sitted on the couch. Ian sat beside Evan, while I sat with Martha.

"Now explain!" Martha said with an angry but calm (was that even possible? You're angry yet calm?") voice.

"Okay, it started after few days of our 1st anniversary. My friend invited me to his house for a party. When I was a lil' bit tipsy, a girl suddenly kissed me and I don't know what happened that when I woke up I realized I slept with a random girl," their was a few silence after he explained, but then he continued, "Sharlz, I'm really really sorry, please, forgive me. Please, give me a second chance,"

Instead of answering back, I just stared at him all the time until we reached Martha's house.

"Sharlz, we need to talk, now, upstairs," pointing at me then at the to guys," you, stay here, wait for us." They both nodded whilist Evan's just staring at me until I'm out of his sight and I'm in Martha's room.

Oh gosh, I do miss the scent of her room. It'd been a long time since I went here.

Smiling at the memories when Martha snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I think you need an explanation," she said looking at me with a pointed face saying 'oh-yes-you're-dead'.

I hate that face of Martha. It makes me nervous. Ugh!

"Fine fine, what explanation, huh? Asl me," I said with a lazy tone. I lay down on her pink, comfy bed. Ahhh! I miss it.

"Okay, so, tell me, do you still love him?" Her eyes meeting mine. She'll never let go of staring at me until I answer her.

"Yes?" I answered with an unsure tone.

She scream at the top of her lungs. Whilist I heard the door open then bang!

"What happened? Why are you shouting? Is there a ghost? An unknown guy? A kidnapper? Or a hold-upp-" Ian said with a worried face.

Mar. cut his sentence off.

"Oh, shut up dumbass," she said then pointing at Evan (staring at me), " You, both of you," points at me, "needs to talk, fix this," she said while pushing Ian and herself out of the door.

Silence in the atmosphere, but at last, Evan broke it.

"Hey," he said with a smile.


"So," he said while scratching the back of his neck. "I'm really sorry, please a second chance. I'll make everything up for you," he finishes looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Uhm," what!?!! C'mon Sharlz, you know you want it too! My inner voice said, "I don't know, but the make up thing, hmm, maybe I'll say yes with that," I grinned at him.

"Really?" he said with his widest smile I'd ever seen.

"Yeah!" I laughed at his reaction.

Oh no! No no no no!!

Evan started caryying me with the bridal style.

"Put me down, jerk!" I ordered but fail. He just smirked at me still continuing going down.

"Oh my gosh, Evan what is the maning of this?" Martha said with a shocked face.

"Well, I guess, I'm going to make up until Sharlz will givee the second chance thing," he said with a smile while he winked at me.

God, I am so inlove woth this jerk.


Heyyy! Long time no update. So here, I hope I made it up enough for the wait :).

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Note: This is just the beginning of the whole story :D

-Gabbie :*

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