Chapter 16

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We stood in the chilled night in silence. In a distance, the crowd was already thinning out, calling it a night. I had so much on my mind and I didn’t know where to begin.

“Umm…” I started mumbling

“Umm what?” Nathan countered. “Do I like you? Yes, I do. Do I wish that you were mine instead of Tom’s? Yes I do. Do I think you’re amazing? Yes I do. But will I take you away from Tom? No, I won’t. Not if you don’t want to, anyway,” Nathan spoke in a matter of fact tone, still looking in the distance

I turned to him and my eyes went wide and in that moment, I didn’t care how unattractive I looked with my jaw gaping open.

“You…you…we…” I stuttered incoherently. “How long?” I finally asked lamely.

“A couple of months, I reckon’. Since I hugged you in the last huge fight you had with Tom about a couple months back … doesn’t matter …” he mumbled

“You… you liked me from a comfort hug you gave me?” I asked, despite all the shock, I was curious.

“Seriously, what do you care?!” he asked back incredulously, whipping around to face me.

“I…I…” I stumbled, not exactly knowing what to say.

“Exactly,” he finished and stomped off to board the tour bus.


I slumped my shoulders and got back on the tour bus, such a long night. A terrible one, to add. When I boarded the bus, Jay was the first to greet me with a sympathetic smile. I shrugged my shoulders and sank myself in the seat next to him.

“Guess I’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight,” I tried making a joke at it but failing miserably because I couldn’t even contain the tears.

“Heyy… shhh… you can take my bed tonight. You’re like a sister to me and one thing I hate watching my little sisters do is cry,” he said comfortingly as he pulled me in a brotherly hug.

I mumbled my thanks and stayed in the hug for a while before getting up to crash in his bed.

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