»Chapter 2«

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*Zach's POV*

I sigh at my phone. I've been sitting in my room waiting for a reply from her. She said she was getting her goat today in L.A but that was 3 in the morning. It's now 12 pm and I'm STARVING. I go downstairs and greet all the boys. "Morning", I say forgetting its lunch. "Morning?", Daniel questions. "Okay...", Jonah turns on his heels and walks outside. Meanwhile Corbyn I think is planting beans with Christina outside in the front, and Jack is eating noodle soup while Daniel yells at him that it's cannibalism. I grab a bowl and some cereal and pour some milk into the bowl. I sit down and eat staring at my phone. Is she really getting her goat today? Why does she even want a goat. What if I'm being catfished. What if she's not even getting a goat or coming to L.A? "Zachary..?", Someone questions breaking me from my thoughts. "Huh?", I reply. "You've been sitting at the table for an hour staring at your phone and you haven't touched your cereal.", Jonah states. "Are you okay? Are you thinking about her?", Jonah continues. I nod and put my bowl in the sink. I hear a notification go off on my phone and run to it. I saw a message from her.

Beauty❤❤- Hey sorry I didn't answer the flight was long and I found out they don't have my goat and it's not ready until Saturday so looks like im staying in LA longer than expected:) hope to see you! ❤

I scream in excitment. "SHES HERE. SHES HERE SHES HERE SHES HERE!!!!! GUYS LETS GO TO THE STORE TO BUY HER A PRESENT!!!!!", I yell running around the house. "Zach relax. Who are you talking about?", Aspen stops me. My jaw drops when I see a little face pop through the window near the door. I run to it and swing it open and engulf Caitlin in a hug. I did it so fast I couldn't even stop and admire her beauty. "A little too hard Zachary.", She chuckles gasping for air. I let go "heh sorry.", I rub the back of my neck. "Come in", I open the door wider so she can come in. She looks around amazed. "Wow this is a nice house", she says looking at me smiling. I return the smile. "Yeah.", I agree. "Zachary Dean Herron is that a girl who is not Caitlin and you are talking to h-", Corbyn stops as he sees Caitlin standing near the couch. Corbyn runs and hugs her and picks her up. "Hello my little Corbean.", She says laughing as everyone else comes down and gives her a hug. Time passes with smiles, songs, and snacks. Caitlin gets a call from someone. "Exscuse me.", She says getting up from the couch walking outside and answering the call. "You really like her huh Daniel?", I ask not amused. "What...?", He asks as if he did nothing. The boys look confused.


I heard a loud thump come from downstairs and I see Daniel on top of Caitlin. They get up and Daniel pushes her to the wall and agressivley tries to make out with her she tries to resist and break free but she can't.

*End of flashback*

"You know what you did. Look at the bruise you left her neck.", I say pointing outside to her neck. He puts his head down and Caitlin sits down next to me. I wrap my arm around her "you're safe with me", I whisper to her and give her a side hug. She smiles at me and lays her head on my shoulder.

Time passes and its getting late. I invited Caitlin to stay for the night and offered up my bed. She denied and insisted on sleeping on the couch. And of course I denied and set up my air mattress next to the couch to keep her safe.. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to her. For some reason I can't fall asleep but if I do Daniel might hurt her again.

»Next Morning«

I wake up to a soft cry. I look up at Caitlin and her back is to me. I decided to text the group chat I have with the Boys.

Zachary🔥- Guys Caitlin is crying I think.
Jonahhh😂- Why? What happened last night?
Zachary 🔥- Nothing I moved my air mattress next to the couch to keep her safe..but she has her back to me.
Jonahhh😂- Try talking to her. If she dosent respond then I don't know..
Zachary🔥- okay. Make sure none of the boys comes downstairs yet.

I place my phone to the side of me and try talking to Caitlin. "Caitlin? Are you okay?", I ask her in a soft voice. I get up and lay next to her on the couch. "I can't be here anymore.", She whispers. "What happened?", I reply. She shakes her head and continues to cry. I sit up and lay her head on my lap. "I just can't...", She whispers again. "LA isn't my atmosphere. I don't fit in here.", She continues. "I understand. We are going on tour and staying a week in Texas soon. You can fly back there today and when we go on tour I'll bring you you're goat", I chuckle. She let's out a little laugh and nods.

Zachary🔥- She's going home today.
Corbyn❤- What why???
Zachary🔥- I think what Daniel did to her made her think LA is a bad place to be and she can get harmed easily. When we go on tour I'm bringing her goat.
Jack🍜- Great. Thanks Daniel.
Jonahhh😂- At least we might be able to see her in Texas...right?
Corbyn❤- I would hope.

Caitlin wiggles and falls off the couch on the floor. Jonah comes running down the stairs to see what happened. "I'm ok.", She winces. Jonah laughs and helps her up to her feet. The rest of the boys come downstairs. And we all eat breakfast. Other than Caitlin. She just had whipped cream she stole from the fridge and some candy corn.

I get a notification on Instagram saying she posted something.

I get a notification on Instagram saying she posted something

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caitlinkenney- I'll be back Texas. LA is no home for me.

Loganpaul, jackramenavery, and 456,892 other liked this.

loganpaul- you came to LA without sseing me?
thomask- yay! Missed you!❤❤
user7- ew stop
imzachherron- ❤❤
kylieee- luv youuu!
caitlinkenney- longanpaul we should meet up before I leave!
jackaverymusic- don't leave please :( Daniel didn't mean it.
Kenneyh8tr- ew stop no
Ariboom- I miss you sista!
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Word Count- 1111
Haha isn't that funny ^^

I think this is like turning into an Instagram story? Kinda but I'll be adding more posts and real life things. Anyway ilysm bye!❤❤

Loving Can Hurt//Zach Herron FanficWhere stories live. Discover now