»Chapter 4«

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imzachherron- missing her more and more every second ❤😻 2 more days

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imzachherron- missing her more and more every second ❤😻 2 more days

caitlinkenney, loganpaul, jackaverymusic, and 362,462 others liked this

caitlinkenney- missing you every second too
loganpaul- young love. Get it Zachy!
seaveydaniel- *fangirl screams*
corbynbesson- I can hear you Daniel.
Ogvikki- awww my little baby has a boyfriend
imzachherron- not yet :) Ogvikki
user8- Oh my god.
rxxydaqueen- ew stop Zach's mine and will always be.
caitlinkenney- rxxydaqueen I can see he has strong feelings for me hunny, not you nice try though!

*Zach's POV*

I laugh at the comments. I can't find enough words to explain how exicted I am to see her. Tomorrow we leave to Texas on the tour bus. "OH MY GOD ZACHARY WHY IS ROXY BACK?", Christina yells from the couch. "I don't know. She's annoying.", I reply. "Caitlin SLAYED her though.", Jonah adds walking in from outside. I laugh. "She did.", Corbyn agrees. I get a text from the group chat.

Caitpow❤- Who's rxxydaqueen? She's ugly.
Corbean🌱- someone who likes Zach.
Mom🍂- we used to be friends with her until she turned into a diva.
LittleChild 🐧- Yeah. I never liked her.
Noodles🍜- you did!
Caitpow❤- haha its what I do.

Corbean🌱 added Beautychickee to the chat

Caitpow changed Beautychickee to CHICKEE😻

CHICKEE😻- Wow thanks :)
Caitpow❤- better than the rest of ours. You'll figure out who is who as we go on.
Noodles🍜- yep. :/
CHICKEE😻- Jack ^
Caitpow❤- ✅
Mom🍂- good job.
CHICKEE😻- ^ I dunno I'll come back to you.
LittleChild 🐧- haha.
Caitpow❤- ✅
Caitpow❤- I gtg

I put my phone down and heard Christina laughing at her phone. "What now?", I ask laughing. She shows me a video of Caitlin's best friend fighting over cookies with a little boy at the airport. I laugh. "Caitlin said Kylie likes Jonah.", Christina adds. "Kylie's pretty.", Jonah butts in. "What does she look like?", I curiously ask. Jonah shows me a picture of her.

"She's definitely the one for you Jonah", I exclaim

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"She's definitely the one for you Jonah", I exclaim. "You think so?", Jonah asks. I look at Christina then at Jonah. Christina and I both nod our heads.

»next morning«

*Caitlin's POV*

I wake up excited to see Zach and the boys today. I'm remembering today is Andreas birthday. I run downstairs and see Andrea at the table eating pancakes watching YouTube on my laptop. I laugh. "Happy birthday my little one", I smile "I have a surprise for you today.", I add "You can't know what it is until 12. That gives you 5 hours.", She smiles huge. "I'm excited I wanna know what it is!", She begs. "5 more hours!", I say. She pouts. I text the group chat.

Caitpow❤- yo when are you guys arriving?
LittleChild 🐧- 2 more hours.
Caitpow❤- I told my sister 5 more. Oops.

"Change of plans. 2 more hours.", I tell Andrea. She shoots up from her chair. "YAYYYYYYYY", She yells. Carson comes downstairs with my blanket and his pajamas. "I didn't ask for this but thanks.", I take the blanket and wrap myself in it.

»2 hours pass«

LittleChild🐧- Caitlin guess what?
Caitpow ❤- your standing outside my door.
LittleChild🐧- yep

"Carson!", I call. He comes to me. "It's time?", He asks. I nod he leads Andrea upstairs and I open the door to see Zach and the boys standing there. I give Zach a huge hug. We stand there for 2 minutes until I let him in. "Mom, this is Zach, Jonah, Corbyn, Noodle head Jack, and Daniel.", I introduce them all pointing to each one. "Nice to meet you boys.", She says with a smile. All the boys sit down on the couch and Carson leads Andrea downstairs with a blindfold on. Andrea takes off her blindfold and stands there shocked. She starts tearing up and hugs the boys. She's a HUGE Why Don't We fan. I think she would die if she saw Zach and I dating. Whilde Andrea takes a picture with the boys Zach whispers something. "Wanna hang out today after my show?", He asks. I nod and smile.

»after the meet«

The boys leave and Andrea gives me the biggest hug ever. "Thank you.", She says. I smile down at her. "Mom can I hang out with Zach today?", I ask my mom. "You like him huh?", She asks. I pick up Andrea and set her on the stairs. She walks upstairs. "Yeah. I do. I don't think he would ever like me back though.", I reply. "You never know hun. He really seems to like you.", My mom states. I shrug.

»couple hours later«

Ding dong

I go to the door and see Zach. I smile. "Mom ill be with Zach!", I yell to her. "Okay!", She yells back. I close the door and walk outside hand and hand with Zach. We walk down the street to my favorite cafe. We sit down and eat some pastrys. "You're a really pretty girl Caitlin.", He compliments. "Aww thank you.", I reply with a smile. We finish eating and walk to a park and lay out a blanket. I sit across from Zach. He holds my hand. I start to turn red. I feel so special with Zach. He makes me feel safe and I'm happy with him. "Caitlin, you're a beautiful, strong, independent girl. Your confident and funny. Your nice and could defend anyone in the world even if it's a stranger. You could even defend the world. I know LA isn't your home, Texas is, but in LA your always safe with me, anywhere and everywhere. I love you Caitlin.", He says soothingly. At this point I feel like I'm bright as a tomato.

Word Count- 958

Oh my godddd! Tbh I don't even know how my book is doing because this is a pre-written chapter. Anyway hope you like it! ❤❤

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