»Chapter 20«

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*Ava's POV*

3 minutes... I start to get my backpack on and I left a note for my mom.

Dear Mom,

Thanks for calling me pathetic, worthless, fat, ugly, and a waste of your time. It really helped me show who I really am. If you see this, probably not you're probably out drunk hooking up with some random guy. But if you care enough I'll be gone.. for a while.

I taped it to the fridge and walked out the room.

zach❤- are you almost here?
ava☀- Jesus I literally just left the house.
ava☀- what am I supposed to do?
zach❤- go over the speed limit and rush the plane.
ava☀- it's a 14 hr flight. Cant you wait?
zach❤-NO. we need to hurry. She already started to pack.
ava☀- ok well if you want me there..but your taking her somewhere..
zach❤- just don't question it!
ava☀- but.. what am I supposed to do while you're gone..FOR A WEEK?!
zach❤- I don't know. this is only the beginning. All the boys will help you with the rest.
ava☀- ok. see u in 14hrs
zach❤- thx. bye ava.

im not dead.

I've been having people dming me if I'm dead.... Like if I were to be dead I wouldn't answer. So what does texting me do?

ANYWAY-- sorry for the long break I never explained. I have been in the process of moving .. in case some of you didn't know.

BUT.. moving is a PAIN.
so I'm so sore.
And I haven't had 5 mins to sit down and write.

p.s Abigail_Herron ur so cute and pretty. the lion too..

Stay awesome my beans! ☀

Loving Can Hurt//Zach Herron FanficWhere stories live. Discover now