»Chapter 11«

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*Caitlin's POV*

I've never been this excited to go to Miami. I go through the airport and I have half an hour before I get on the plane. I take this time to go through security and all the boring airport things. Unlike Logan, I'm almost always on time for my flight. One time in Texas because I lived down the street from the airport I was running and a chicken was chasing me and took one of my bags so I had to chase after he the chicken for like 15 minutes. But I still made it :) thankfully.
I place my bags down and order food from the food court. I get a donut and coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I'm sitting in the shop when someone walks in screaming. "GIMMIE A REFUND MY HOT CHOCOLATE TASTED LIKE A FROSTY FROM WENDYS.", The boy yells. "No refunds sir.", The lady at the front told him. The boy storms out. I break into a fit of laughter.

»15 minutes later«

The boy walks back in with a meal from Wendy's. He sits down near me and starts eating. He pulls out a frosty and looks the lady straight in the eye and eats it. He looks back at me and pulls out another frosty. "Want it?", He offers. I shake my head and continue sipping my coffee and facetiming Zach. "Who is that?", Zach asks from the phone. I shurg my should and let out a small chuckle. "You don't even no and he just offered you a frosty?", He laughs. "Yup.", I nod. I had my headphones so no one would hear out conversation. The boy looks at me in confusion thinking I was talking to him. I show him my phone and he nods. I get up and head to my gate. "I gotta go. I'll facetime you when I land.", I tell him throwing away my trash. "Bye love you!", He responds. "Love you too.", I hang up and get on the plane. I notice a familiar face on the plane. It's the boy. It's kinda weird he has the same flight and also has first class with me. I just ignore him and read my book. After reading some of my book I put it aside and went on my laptop. I did a face time call on that. I plugged in my headphones and face timed Kylie. When she answered she screamed. "OH MAH GOD GURLLLLLL SLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY", She screams. "Ow.", I comment holding my ears. "Sorry.", She continues "not sorry", she mumbles. After a long talk with Kylie it was time to get off the plane. I gathered my belongings and headed off the plane. I walked out of the airport and the warm Miami air brushed on my skin. I've never been to Miami so this will be interesting. I rent a car and drive down to my hotel. I check in and go up to my room. I heard a familiar voice come from a room but I didn't think much of it. I get to my room and see my roommate Alison on her bed. I've never met this girl before, so I don't know what she's like. I only came to Miami for vacation and a HUGE project I'm working on with my friends. However, I had to be roomies with someone I don't know. Great! "Hey, Caitlin right?", She asks. I nod. "I'm Alison if you didn't know already.", She replies. "Oh and someone stopped by and left you those boxes.", She continues. I look over and see two boxes. One small and one big. I open it and see...

*Zach's POV*

I plan on surprising Caitlin. She went away for a big project with her friends. But, there's one problem, as much as I support her discisons she's going away for a month and a half. She told me we would work out but I couldn't bare to go without her for a month and a half. Am I just that clingy? I decided I would leave her clues to lead up to her final day and have me surprise her. I made sure to get the flight after hers. I'm really excited. I have the boys help me with this.
(Insta story)

imzachherron- Jack had a great idea.

imwdw_4ever, loganpaul, caitlinkenney, kylieee, and 2,462,463 others saw this

Word Count- 773
Anyway thanks imwdw_4ever
For following me! And like we are almost at 600 reads. HOW THIS FAST? you my little beans are wizards.

Should I just call you wizard beans? Comment below! Byeee
Im sorry it's short!

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