»Chapter 23«

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*Corbyn's POV*

After I drop off Kylie and Caitlin at the airport I go back home. I sit on the couch bored because there is no crazy girl running around. I already miss her. Zach comes rushing through. "Where's Caitlin?", He asks out of breath. "She's gone Zach.", I sigh. "What do you mean she's gone?!", He questions. "Isn't it obvious? You broke her heart, so she left.", I reply. "Just move on.", Jonah adds. "This is my fault. All my fault.", He says. "You're right. It is.", I add. Zach decided to go ahead and think it would be a great idea to go cheat on Caitlin and I lost my best friend because of that. "Why'd you do it?", Jack sighs. "It wasn't me!", He shouts. "It was Zach.", Daniel crosses his arms. "What about Ava?", Zach asks looking around. "She's gone too.", Jonah says.

*Caitlin's POV*

After a long plane ride I finally make it to Canada. "Oof it's cold!", Kylie complains. "Already to the complaining.", Ava scoffs. "That's why we call you Complaining Kylie!", I laugh. I go to the conveyor belt and pick up my bright blue suitcase and my black backpack. I breathe in and smell the nice small airport. "Smells like vanilla.", Kylie sniffs. "Yeah.", Ava agrees. We head outside and I spot my friend's car. "There!", I point. Alison jumps out of her car. "Ali!!", Kylie smiles. "Kylie, Ava, AND CAITLIN!", Ali pulls us into a group hug. "You ready?!", Ali smiles. "Yeah!!", Kylie exclaims. We all get in the car and Alison drives to our new house.

»15 minutes later«

We arrive at the house and it's beautiful. "No way.", Kylie gasps. "Girls this is our new house!", Ali smiles parking the car. We all hop out. "Just us 4?", I question. "Nope! We have 2 other roommates!", She smiles. "Let's do it!", Ava says. We all get our things and enter the house. It's a huge mansion filled with cute furniture.

"IM BACK!", Ali yells

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"IM BACK!", Ali yells. Just then two boys run downstairs. "New roommates! Awesome!", One of them smiles. This can't be happening. I'm still not over Zach. "Yeah!!", The other one cheers. "Oh sorry. I'm Noah and this is Liam.", Noah points to Liam. "I'm Ava and this is my sister Caitlin and her best friend Kylie.", Ava smiles. "Let's get you girls settled in.", Ali smiles. "Noah take Caitlin to her room upstairs.", Ali says and leads the other two somewhere else. I follow Noah upstairs with my things. "Your room is next to mine so if you need anything I'll be right there. Oh and Ali should be giving you a tour soon.", He smiles opening the door to my room. It opens up to this wide area with lots of sunshine.

"Grey white and black theme?", I ask looking around

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"Grey white and black theme?", I ask looking around. "Yeah.", He smiles. "Alright ill let you get settled.", He leaves the room. This will be my new life, new adventures and new friends.


that's the end.
last chapter I kept saying like chapter 31 or so it'll end but I didn't mean that I meant like 21 or 22 or something so I fixed that.

The sequel will come out soon!
Im not sure what it'll be called but I hope itll fix all your broken little hearts 💔.

Stay smiley my beans! 😇

Loving Can Hurt//Zach Herron FanficWhere stories live. Discover now