»Chapter 3«

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loganpaul- it's been too long! ❤ caitlinkenney

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loganpaul- it's been too long! ❤ caitlinkenney

caitlinkenney, jakepaul, seaveydaniel, and 1,453,890 others liked this

caitlinkenney- the beach was litt🔥
seaveydaniel- I already miss you
jakepaul- ooooooh #Cogan!
imzachherron- I miss you my little bean
corbynbesson- I thought I was your bean. :( imzachherron

*Caitlins POV*

I started packing my things as Zach watched me. Yeah I was gonna miss them but LA just wasn't the right place. "You sure you wanna go?", Zach asks. I nod. "You're supposed to be a good friend and support my decisions Zachary.", I reply. He's been bugging me and begging me not to go. "I just don't want you to go.", He replies again. I zip up my backpack and turn around to face Zach. "Listen, as much as I don't wanna to either it just inst the right atmosphere. I don't feel safe.", I hug Zach and slip on my shoes "I'll miss you Zachary.", I give him a smile. He smiles a little and hugs me tightly. "By boys!", I yell and they all hug me. I head outside and my uber gets here. I walk up to Logans apartment once I arrive and knock on the door. I was greeted by a little short cute girl and a small little dog. "Hey Lyida. Is Logan here?", I ask. She nods and Logan runs out and gives me a huge hug. "I've missed you.", I say wincing. "Me too! Its been 6 years.", He replies setting me down. I smile and go inside. "Nice place.", I compliment. "Thanks", he replies. "Wanna go to the beach?", He asks. "YESSS", I reply exictedly.

»at the beach«

I get a text from the group chat.

Mom🍂- Caitlin I miss you a lot already :(
LittleChild 🐧- same here.
Caitpow❤- Guys I haven't even left the state yet.
Corbean🌱- but we still miss you.
Caitpow❤- haha. I miss you guys too. I gtg ttyl.
LittleChild🐧- bye:(

I laugh and set my phone down on the chair. "Who was that?", Logan asks. "The Why Don't We Boys. They miss me already.", I chuckle. "Oh I know them!!", He exclaims. "They're cool kids.", I reply.

»after the beach because I'm lazy and nothing happened«

"Bye Logan.", I say hugging him tightly. "Have fun in Texas.", He hugs me tighter. I enter my gate and get on the plane.


caitlinkenney- goodbye LA. Off to Texas!

loganpaul, user2, celebritynews, imzachherron, and 463,128 others liked this

imzachherron- I never got the chance..
seaveydaniel- maybe when we go to Texas? imzachherron
loganpaul- Glad we got to meet up before you left :)
kylieee- come home to mama
jonahmarais- WHOAH HEY IM THE MOTHER kylieee
thomask- I've missed you my girl ❤❤
imzachherron- who are you? thomask
caitlinkenney- Zachary calm down. He's my best friend. imzachherron

»after plane ride«

"No sir. I'm sorry those are MY cookies. Not yours.", I heard someone say. "But I want them.", A little boy replies. I turn around and see a teenage girl next to a small boy looking at cookies through glass. "No young boy. Their mine!", The girl exclaims. I walk over. "Why can't you guys just..you know.. share?", I suggest. The teenage girl turns around and gives me a devilish look. "CAITLINNNN", she yells and hugs me. She definitely caused a secne. "YAY MY COOKIES!", The boy yells and runs into the store. "NO MINE!", Kylie yells in a bloody murder scream and runs after him. I face palm and follow her when I get in I see the little boy and Kylie fighting over the cookies. "Kylie I have cookies at my house!", I yell to her. She let's go of the jar and runs over to me. I swear she's like a dog and bacon. I laugh and exit the airport/mall. I get in her car and decide she can't drive and I will. I drive to my house and enter. "CAITLIN!! Your home!", Someone yells coming from the kitchen. I run in recognizing the voice. "Andrea!!", I yell picking up my little sister. "Is mom home?", I ask her. She nods and I head upstairs while Kylie raids my pantry. I walk into the guest room and see my mom sitting on the bed with a big smile on her face. "I missed you.", I say tearing up. I haven't seen my family in 5 years. I've missed them so much. I live with my older brothers Carson and Kyle. Carson is 18 and Kyle is 25. I moved from New York to Texas because I wanted to move in with my older brothers. I was closest with them than Andrea because she's 7 and I'm 16.

kylieee- I've missed this girl!! Welcome back home!tagged- caitlinkenney

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kylieee- I've missed this girl!! Welcome back home!
tagged- caitlinkenney

jakepaul, jonahmarais, caitlinkenney, and 103,563 others liked this

caitlinkenney- so happy to be back! Definitely missed Texas.
imzachherron- tour in 3 days! Can't wait to see you! By the way..you kinda got catfished for you goat.. caitlinkenney
kylieee- imzachherron SHE BOUGHT A GOAT?
carsonkenney- YOU BOUGHT A GOAT? caitlinkenney
caitlinkenney- I tried.
:( carsonkenney kylieee

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Word Count- 857

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