»Chapter 12«

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caitlinkenney- Thanks for whoever gave me this pup

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caitlinkenney- Thanks for whoever gave me this pup. Still don't know who..

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»Next Day«

*Caitlin's POV*

I wake up to the little puppy stepping on my face. I open my eyes and see Alison already awake on her phone. "Morning.", She says not looking up. I sit up. "Morning.", I reply. I'm looking through Instagram and see a post from someone.

I don't know where they got this from

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I don't know where they got this from. I'm glad I quit Team 10 though. Just then someone rushed into the room. "Listen this was supposed to be a surprise but I saw this post... You were on team 10? And Jake assulted you?", Just before I could realize who it was they sat down next to me. "Zach..", I spoke..

TEASER CHAPTER IM SORRY. I didn't have enough time to right one. I was VERY busy today and I could not find the right time to just sit down and write a chapter. Next chapter will be coming out tomorrow! I try to update everyday but I think my actual schedule would be for every other day so I actually have time to make a good chapter.

I unfortunately could not find someone to tag so I just tagged my internet bestie wdwofficialfanpage she is the actual bomb! We plan on meeting one day and lighting Alvacodes on fire. I do plan on meeting all my internet besties one day. I love y'all! Oh and almost 700 reads? WHATTT?

Please please please comment what you think the family name should be or if you like my little beans or wizard beans just comment that! One we decide the name I WILL MAKE A BANNER FOR US!

Congrats for everyone who read this. Thanks. Anyway Ill stop now. Sorry it was short, just a teaser chapter :)
Word Count- 310

Loving Can Hurt//Zach Herron FanficWhere stories live. Discover now