»Chapter 19«

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*Ava's POV*

As I sat in complete dark in my room waiting, knowing once the clock hits 12 I can go. The clock slowly ticks each second. Slower and slower. I stand up using my phone flashlight I scanvenge for my things and stuff them in a bag. After a couple of minutes I lay in my bed. Soon it will be 12. Just an hour left.


*Caitlins POV*

I laugh as Daniel stands in the room trying to act out his animal. "PENGUIN!", Jack yells "BEAN?", Jonah questions. "SOMEONE CALLED ME?", Corbyn pops up. "YOUR A TREE!", I yell. "YES!", Daniel yells escaping his position. "No one named an animal except for me.", Jack says. "It was a trick.", Corbyn rolled his eyes. "Okay Caitlin you go.", Jonah says. I think for a bit until I found the perfect thing. I walk to the stairs and turn to face the boys. I do the sassiest walk I could ever to acting like a queen on a runway. I come to 5ft away from the boys then turn back around. "PRINCESS ZACH!", They all yell clearly loud enough for Zach to hear as he just opened the door. "What?", He asks walking in. "Sherades.", I smile. I was so excited, Christmas is coming soon and my 4 month anniversary with Zach is soon.
"What do you guys wanna do?", Zach asks. "Well aren't you tired Zach? You literally were gone for an hour leaving me with the boys.", I laughed. "Yeah. Sorry bout that.", Zach says sitting down next to me. "No it's okay.", Daniel says. "Really, we had fun babysitting.", Jonah laughs. "Hey!", I playfully slap him. "Who wants food?", I announce. "Me!", Corbyn yells. "Depends on what your making.", Jack says. "Picky", I smirk at Jack standing up. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge. "Banana bread with warm apple cider.", I mumble. I start getting out the ingredients and cook. I hear the boys singing in the living room. They broke into one of my personal songs I've never published. I was never fond of it. "Caitlin you wrote this?", Eben asks walking into the kitchen. "Yeah. I sang it too, I wasnt a fan of it. I didn't even like it. I never published it.", I reply heating up 6 cups of apple cider. "I love it.", He says. "That's only because the boys are singing it.", I laugh. "I'd like to hear you sing sometime", He smiles. I shrug a bit and cut the banana bread into 6 small slices and placed 6 plates with a slice of bread and some warm apple cider. "Food!", I yell. They all stop their singing and get up and come to the table. "This looks amazing.", Corbyn says admiring it. "It is good.", Jack says with half the banana bread in his mouth. I laugh and start eating. As the clock ticks off the wall the time passed completely and it hits 12. "Let's go to bed.", Jonah says and everyone cleans their plates and heads off to bed.

Word Count- 8354627535362352

Guys I have a big announcement!
I'm making a new story called

Bullies Slave // Jonah Marais

And I think I'm gonna end the Instagram story for Jack.

But I'm working on getting the new storys first chapter in!

The character Kelsey looks like this

The character Kelsey looks like this

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Stay happy my beans! 😊😊

Loving Can Hurt//Zach Herron FanficWhere stories live. Discover now