Book 1 of League of Nemesis Series [Editing]
"The one who shall be our salvation,
Shall not feel love nor affection.
For Balance, Justice and Vengeance,
They shall know none of those.
Like their ancestor, within their blood,
They shall remain incap...
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DIONE WENT TO KING'S CROSS STATION by herself. She pulled a trolley and put her trunk on it. She could've use the undectable extension charm, but that's not necessary. She recognized some pureblood family she read about. It's not hard to see it, since their clothing would be 'weird' to the Muggles. She took out her ticket Castiel gave her.
Platform 9 ³/⁴
"Platform Nine and Three Quarters? What?" Dione mumbled silently. It seemed like Castiel and Albus had failed to mention how to get on the platform. That only made her feel like being tricked. First, she's leaving Durmstrang for Hogwarts. Second, the auror who almost caught her father is teaching her along with the son of her father's old friend now enemy. But that doesn't make sense. Drake wouldn't have told her if he felt like it's a trap, and he wouldn't let someone to take money from his vault for false school and textbook. That someone, also happened to be Castiel his close friend, according to Castiel. And the three boys she saw, they were buying the same book as Dione. That doesn't make sense at all. Dione couldn't find anymore reason.
It might be somewhere around platform nine and ten. Dione thought as she noticed people getting crowded at platform ten. She walked over and saw a girl ran towards the wall of platform ten. That girl vanished. Dione's eyes widen at the sight. A few more people ran into the same wall, they all vanished.
Dione looked at the wall suspiciously. She waited until there were only a girl with ginger hair left to get on the platform. "Excuse me, how do I get on platform nine and three quarters?" Dione asked, trying to say it as polite as she can. "Oh, it's easy, just run through this wall," the girl pointed at the same wall, "then you'll get on the platform." The girl, Lily Evans, smiled. "You're a transfer student?" She asked. Dione nodded. "Good luck." She smiled at Dione before running towards the wall. Dione took a deep breath before grabbing the handle of the trolley and ran towards the wall. She disappeared. It felt like apparating, in some way. She soon found herself looking at a scarlet train with the sign Hogwarts Express on it. She quickly aboard the train, seeing it was a few minutes left until 11.
Walking through the corridor of the train, she heard people talking, rather loudly.
"Father told me an auror is coming to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."
"I heard there's a new student coming."
"Where do you think the transferee is from?"
Dione walked to the end of the train to find a completely empty compartment. What she didn't know, is that compartment 'belongs' to The Infamous Marauders. After lifting up her trunk, Dione sat down in a corner, staring out at the window watching students aboard the train.
"There's a girl in our compartment, I've never seen her before." James Potter said, frowning slightly. "Who cares? Besides, no girls can resist sitting with us, can they?" Sirius Black, joked. "That's not the point." Remus Lupin chuckled. "Then what is?" James asked again. "That there's no other compartment has enough space for us to sit and this is the only one left." Remus explained.