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I am half way through the pre-flight check when I notice something with the tires. I frown and get in closer, the rubber was too worn out. I couldn't fly this plane back with knowing about it.

I walk back into the cockpit and tap Claude's shoulder. "How's you feel if we have a busted tire?" I ask him.

He groans. "God.. not today!" 

I sigh and look towards the terminal. "I guess we have to trust Rio's staff to help out." 

"We're in Rio...and this needs to happen now!?" Claude adds again. 

"Let's go to talk to staff." 

"Righty then." He gets up.

We go walk over to the manager of the airport and they tell flight control right away about the plane as well as other staff. 

"So, what's our plan?" I ask the manager. 

"We've got passengers already here at the airport, we'll have to get another plane." 

"But we need this plane back at Frankfurt.. the exact one is apart of the fleet. Unless you have another Lufthansa here free for us to fly." I say. 

"We don't have a Lufthansa airline on the ground except yours, but we have Eurowing." 

I shake my head. "What about we get another tire here, so we're delayed, it's better to have our plane to fly back." 

"That will take more than a hour to get, we're very busy." 

I shake my head, groan and turn to Claude. "What should we do?" I ask.

"Should we try the stretch back home, with the tire?" Claude asks me. 

"The tire is worn out as fuck, if we land on the runway with it, it could bust, and the airplane is in risk." 

"Damn engineers, they should check the tires much more.." Claude sighs. "Well... we'll have to take Eurowings, or we're stuck here till evening, I don't know about you, but flying later in the night for 10 hours again, ain't nice." 

I turn back to the manager. "We've got no choice then, we'll fly the Eurowing plane, can you contact Frankfurt?" 

"Of course, I'll be right back." 

"This is bullshit." Claude says, seriously annoyed. 

"I'm wondering what curse they'll mutter towards the manager now.." I nod.

"At least we know Eurowings." Claude says.

"That's the least of our worries, now passengers will be moving to the other side of the terminal." 


"The Eurowings is cleared and set up at gate A3, take your crew. We made a deal, we'll bring your plane to Frankfurt tomorrow morning, and the Eurowings plane will be taken back from there same day." The manager comes back.

"Great." I nod, "Thank you, we'll be going there then." 

We get on the plane and  do the usual pre-flight checks and we take off 10 minutes after or so. The passengers didn't argue with the crew, and no problems came up, so the flight isn't such a fail, at least not yet. 


I wake up suddenly from my alarm and groan, I look at the time and sigh, 10.00am.. I had to get to work soon. Sure, I did a night shift and wasn't suppose to go today, but Abigail was sick, and I didn't have a huge problem with it when they called me. 

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