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Warning: please don't steal my work! Try and use your creativity to write your own! I know how much I suffered just to write it so please have a bit of respect and not plagiarize my book! Thanks and ciao!


Emma's pov

If only you know how much I hate my life! First of all, I have a really shitty first name. Who in their right mind calls their child Naomi? The awesome thing is that my middle name is cool. My name's Naomi Emma(nuella) Cadan. I usually go as Emma Cadan. I just take my first name off.

Secondly, I work in a stupid cafe. I have my degree but I am unable to find a job in a good company. My life sucks! I applied to a lot of companies but never got a reply. The secretaries there probably threw my application in the trash. Bitches! They don't want someone new working there.

Thirdly, I live in a really crappie apartment and my clothes are so out of fashion. My life is basically a thrift shop! 'Everything about me depends on a thrift shop. If only I were Cinderella, my fairy godmother would have come and save me.

My life is basically empty. I haven't had my first kiss yet. I am still a kiss virgin at the age of 23. I never get noticed by a boy. When I hear people talking about what they experienced in high school, all I can do is envy them. High school was totally a nightmare for me. I was so glad when it was over.

Nicholas Taylor's pov

People think that I am living their dreams because I am rich. However, that isn't true because it's the complete opposite. Being the son of one of the richest billionaires in the country, is very difficult. I never have privacy. I am always scared about my reputation whenever I do something. I can't have the fun poor people have. Sure, I get to boss people around and sleep with any chick I want, but this isn't really the kind of life style I want.

My father is constantly disappointed because I fail to live to his expectations. I don't even need my dad to tell me that I am a disgrace to the family because I already know. Most times I wonder how it would feel like to be the perfect child like my sister (Nina). Will I finally have peace or what? Most of you must be wondering if I have a pity story or something that made me become the way I am. However, I have always been like this from birth. It was like I was born to be a player from birth.

Characters in the book:


Naomi Emmanuella Cadan - Hilary Duff

Nicholas Ian Taylor - Dave Franco


Mr Alex Taylor

Lana Nuevo - America Ferrera

Victoria Wells - Ashley Tisdale

Fabio Clever - Mark Indelicato

Extra featuring:

Charlie Eskimo - Zac Efron

Nina Donovan - Selena Gomez

Blair Avian - Alexis Bledel

*I would add more if they come up but for now these are the most important ones.


I know the prologue sucks but pls don't judge the book by it. vote and do whatever you think is right!

Am out!

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