Chapter 15: First Kiss :-*

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                     Emma's pov

    ***** two hours later *****

I open my eyes slowly and remember, I am still at Nicholas mansion. I yawn loudly and check my phone for the time. I can't believe that I slept for two complete hours. I hate seeing Nicholas being sick because he's really whiny and fucking annoying. His childish side comes out when he's sick and he makes me really frustrated. I really tried to please him although he was very stubborn.

I stand up from the couch and see him standing opposite me. He's watching or more like studying my every move carefully. Don't tell me he's doing it again? Trying to make things awkward between us! I look into his eyes and I see lust in them. I am sure he can see the exact same lust in my eyes. Please kiss me! I am trying to tell him that by looking directly at his eyes. I am trying to communicate with him and I hope he understands what I am saying.

Then he walks slowly towards me. My heart is beating so fast and I am full of joy. This is the moment I have been waiting for, for so long. He pulls me closer gently, my chest just a few centimetres from his hard rock abs or more like physique. He takes my face an leans in. My lids flutter close and I feel his lips brush mine gently.

At last our lips meet and we kiss hungrily. I can feel sparks and electricity. I am completely intoxicated. I part my lips and he inserts his tongue inside my mouth. Soon our tongues find a rhythm and we fight for dominance. Oh my God, he's such a good kisser. This is a perfect first kiss.

            Nicholas Taylor's pov

She's such a great kisser. I love her lips. She tastes like mint mixed with milk. I know you may think it's yukky! But it is so amazing. I could kiss her forever. Suddenly I feel her hands creeping on my chest and she pushes me off her with a lot of force. What the fuck?

                    Emma's pov

'Do you know how wrong what you 're doing right now is? Don't tell me that you have forgotten contract between you and Mr Taylor? '  Oh my God, what am I doing? I put my hands on his chest and push him off me with as much force as I can gather.

"How dare you kiss me, you asshole? How could you?" I ask him angrily. I may have enjoyed the kiss but this doesn't mean that I am happy with him. "Oh please, stop being a drama queen. You and I both know that you wanted that kiss as bad as I wanted it. I just did both of us a favour by making the first move." he states arrogantly. I slap him hard on his  cheeks and scream "I never said I wanted to kiss you. FYI, you just stole my first kiss and it was meant for my future husband. You probably don't care because you 're an asshole."

"Stop trying to act all innocent. It's not like I forced you. You could have not kissed me back but yet you did so blame it on yourself." he says. "You know what just go to hell.  BTW, don't think that this means something to me because it doesn't and know that I will forever hate you because of this." I tell him and take my things. I storm out of the mansion pissed off and lucky for me, a cab is already waiting there. So I just step in and it takes off in the direction of my apartment.

            Nicholas Taylor's pov

Why do women over react? How can she expect her future husband to be her first kiss? That's just utterly ridiculous. Nothing like that exists now and days. It was just a kiss! ' Keep convincing yourself! You clearly know that it's the best you have ever had.' Just shut it. Besides that Vicky is arriving today so I have to forget about the kiss. It's not like she likes me. She despises me so I don't want to complicate our relationship. I will forget about the kiss.

            Victoria Well's pov

I just arrived in this stupid city. It's the same as I left. Nothing has changed about it. I hate this place so much because it brings back bad memories. Memories that I don't want to ever remember or think of. Memories that I want buried deep down.

Anyway I still did my plastic surgery and I look perfect now. I know Nicholas would love my look. I look magnifique. I will surprise him with a visit in his place of work tomorrow. I will dress really sexy. If I want my plans to work, then I need to follow each step carefully. He is going to be mine at the end of the day. I smile an evil smile and enter the limousine which my dad sent to bring me to our mansion.

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am out!

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