Chapter 12: Almost a kiss

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                         Emma's pov

Being with Charlie has been so awesome. All he has done is treat me like a gentleman. I have been having an amazing time with him. He hasn't even tried anything on me. 'I have a feeling that he's gay because every guy usually tries to make a move on a hot girl like you.'  Oh thank you, darling! You probably don't know the difference between an asshole and a gentleman.

OMFG, Nick is MIA (Missing in action). I haven't seen him for a while now. He seemed so distant when I agreed to dance with Charlie. 'Maybe he's jealous that you left him for Charlie.'  That can't be true. He doesn't even like me. Have you forgotten that I am not his type? He likes super models and that's something I am clearly not. Something that I will probably never be in the nearest future to come.

"Charlie, I can't seem to find Nick. I need to find him Asap because I can't have him causing any scandal." I explain to him. "I understand. Duty calls for you." he says. Awww!! He's so cute. "I have got to go now. I hope we can meet up some other time." I assure him. We exchange our phone numbers and he pecks me on both cheeks.

I leave Charlie and go in search of Nick. I find him drunk at the bar. He looks wasted. I have to get him out of here without causing any scandal. I take him through the emergency exit and dial a cab. The cab arrives thirty minutes later and I tell the driver Nick's address. We arrive half an hour later at the mansion.

I type in his code and we step inside. Suddenly, he grips my hand and screams "Why did you abandon me for him? Is it that I am not good enough for you? Why Charlie of all people?" I don't get him one bit. What does he mean? "What are you trying to say?" I ask confused. "Don't play dumb with me because I know you too well! If you think your plan of making me jealous is working, then you 're damn wrong." he shouts again.

Oh my God! What's this man's problem? He presses me to the wall and makes me look him in the eye. I try to push him off me but I can't because he's really strong. It's impossible to escape from him. "Why did you have to embarass me? Do you know how stupid I looked standing there alone? First of all, I came with you and then you ditched me. If I should be honest, you looked like a whore." he slurs in an angry voice. "Because you 're drunk gives you no fucking right to call me names." I say and poke him in the chest.

Although he's drunk, his hold on me is really strong. Then he starts gazing at my eyes and I find myself staring back at him. Oh my God! He's finally going to kiss me. 'Seems like your Mr Bad ass has finally grown a pair.'  I always knew he had a pair! You were just too foolish to realize it. Then he starts tilting his head and before I know it, he passes out and I am left there standing very disappointed. Fuck this shit!

Isn't Charlie such a cutiepie! Yeah a new chappie! Please vote, comment and help promote this book. Those out there reading this book, I love you all so much!! One question: What do you think of Charlie? Thanks and Ciao!
am out!


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