Chapter 19: Truce

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           Nicholas Taylor's pov

Emma has been really grumpy. I have a feeling that she's stressed out. Maybe I should just let her go home. I feel so guilty seeing her like this. I should have just let her go home earlier. I have to make it up to her. I press the button and signal her to come to my office.

She enters and l say "I want to apologise for what I said earlier on and want to give you off tomorrow. But there's a condition." "I always knew you never gave something for free." she comments sarcastically. "All I want is to make it up to you. Anyways, my family invited you for dinner tomorrow at 7pm. The condition is that you must please attend. If you don't, then my mum would be furious at me. And I can't stand that so please be my guest. I am begging you." I state sincerely. "Hmmm.......I would think about it." she smirks "Since I am not as mean as you are, I would come over for dinner. But there's also a condition." "What's the condition?" I question.

"You have to promise not to ever call me a trash again." she exclaims fiercly. "I promise never to call you that again! Can we have a truce?" I ask. "Sure. As long as you keep your side of the agreement. Adios boss! See you tomorrow and don't miss me so much!" With these words, she departs from my office. I can't help but think about her parting words. Maybe she wants me to go after her and that's something I would clearly do once I am done with Victoria Wells.

                     Emma's pov

I feel so relieved that Nicholas gave me tomorrow off. Nicholas and I having truce seems so foreign. I just hope this works out for both of us. All I have to do now, is sort out my differences with Lana. I can't just let her dispose our friendship over such a little thing.

I leave for my apartment in a cab. When I arrive there, I get out of the cab and pay the driver. Immediately I get inside, I send Lana a text saying if our friendship ever meant anything to her, then she should be at my flat at 10am. I am so nervous. I just have to fix eeverything. Since I am too tired to cook dinner, I decide to go to bed without one. I am sure I have lost weight because I haven't been eating a lot lately. Probably because of fatigue.

             **** next day ****

I wake up due to my annoying alarm. I am so glad when I shut it up. I have a message from Charlie and he wants to take me out on a date today. I dial him and he picks up after the first ring "Hey Emmy! What's up?" Since when the fuck did he start calling me 'Emmy'. "Nothing much, you?" I reply and try to hold back my annoyance of being called 'Emmy'.

"Am just chilling and trying to think of what we can do during our date." he states calmly. I grit my teeth in annoyance "I actually wanted us to talk about that." "What's there to talk about? I dropped by the office after you left yesterday and Nicholas said he gave you the day off so I thought it would be perfect for a date." he answers slickly. How do I refuse this fucker now? Why didn't Nicholas tell him the reason? I am sure Nicholas wants to torture me.

"Charlie, the thing is that I can't today. I have a lot of things to clear so I can't go on a date with you today." I tell him softly. Well, I think I said that quite soft! "What???" he screams. 'Drama King! He's even worst than Victoria!'  Oh shut it! Then I hear him mutter "Now you aren't even saying anything." "Oh sorry! I kind of zoned out! The good thing is that you can accompany me to the Taylor's for dinner." I try to cheer him up. "If that's meant to make me feel better, then you are damn wrong because it doesn't. I want to court you but if feels like I just can't. You cancel every single time. It's either your boss is there or you just can't come. You know what, just forget this. I don't want to talk about this again. Bye!" he spits back angrily and ends the call without waiting for a reply from me.

Urgh!! I hate him so much. He doesn't get my life. He just can't judge me like that. I try calling back to explain to him but it just keeps on going to his answering machine. Asshole! Prick! They are all the same! I don't care anymore! Fuck! Lana will be here in half an hour and I need to look presentable. I clean my teeth and shower quickly. I dress in a black sweatpants, white baggy t-shirt and pink fluffy socks. 'Ain't this just the killer looks!'  I put my hair in a ponytail and tidy up my flat a bit.

The door opens and Lana steps in. She looks very different. She is glowing. 'I guess it must have been a hell of a long time.'  "Please have a seat." I curtly exclaim. She sits down and goes straight to the point "What do you want to talk about Emma?" Ouch! That hurt a lot! She didn't call me chica as usual. This is pretty serious. "I don't think I am ready to just give up on our long built friendship. I thought you would understand me after everything we have gone through. Do you think I will abandon you or forget our oath and everything? Just tell me why you want to give up on us?" I question her. 'Both of you sound like lovers going through a break up. I am sending tears for both of you.' 

"Don't try placing the blame on me.Both of us are at fault." she states wisely. "Can we please get back to being normal? I hate how things are! Please Lana and I miss you so much!" I say and do my puppy face. "Seriously! You know I can't refuse the face. Fine! I couldn't also stand the way things were! Friends till death do us apart?" she holds out her pinky finger and add mine "Yes till death do us apart." we hug each other for at least ten minutes.

"If I may ask, why are you glowing so much?" I ask. "The thing is that I am pregnant for Amar." she states quietly. "OMFG!!! I can't believe I am going to be an aunt! This is the best news I have heard since the beginning of today." tears of joy drop down and I do the running man dance. "I know right! I can't believe I am going to be a mummy." she exclaims.  "Does Amar know?" I question. "He does and we plan on getting married once the baby has been delivered." I totally awe when she tells me this. I hug her once again and we start planning on names for the baby and things for the marriage.

We catch up a lot and Lana offers to meet Fabio. Fabio comes over and he bonds very quickly with Lana. I am ecstatic that they don't despise each other. We all talk about our lives and I tell them about the dinner with the Taylor's this evening. They both offer to doll me up for the dinner and for my crush.

We have Hawaiian pizza for lunch. I totally love Hawaiian pizza! It's yummy! Then we decide to drown out souls in episodes of Pretty Little Liars. The three of us are  fans of this show. I can never get tired of watching this serie. I am so nervous sitting on the couch and waiting for the time to go by. What if Nicholas Taylor's parents hate me? Is this the end?

Yuppie! New chappie and I hope you guys find it amazing! I can't believe Lana is preggo for Amar! Ain't ya happy that they called truce? Vote, comment and help promote hfh! Btw no update until this book has 1.7k reads.

Emma: I hate you for making the readers wait until there's 1.7k reads!

Acyrace: But it's the only way I get motivated (pouts)

Emma: Please don't do that! You are scarring me for life!

Victoria: Keep doing it! I love it when you annoy her! (winks)

Nicholas: I love it when both of you do dirty! Just talk dirty to me!

Acyrace: It would be best I leave now! (mentally, physically scarred for life!)

Don't forget I love ya'all!

am out!

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