Chapter 13: Ain't that Awkward

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                     Emma's pov

Nick is as heavy as a brick house. After he passed out, I had to take him to his room. I dragged him all the way to his room. Gosh, he is fucking heavy. I undress him so he can sleep comfortably. When I say undress, I don't mean he is totally naked. He is still in his Armani underwear. I tuck him into bed and he snores softly. I caress his cheeks gently and decide to let him sleep peacefully.

I am too exhausted to call a taxi so I decide to stay in Nick's mansion. I can't take chances with sleeping with him in the same bed so I decide to crash on his couch. But first, got to make it comfy. I take the second pillow from his bed and combine it with a blanket I found. Now, this looks totally comfortable and there's a possibility that there will be no aching when I get up in the morning. I tuck in and fall into a deep sleep.

    ***** a few hours later *****

I yawn loudly and stretch my body. Wow, why the fuck am I sleeping on a couch? Then memories on earlier today flash back. This couch was quite comfortable but not as good as my lovely bed in my apartment. However, I am glad that I got somewhere to sleep. Some people are homeless and are really greatful if they find a place to spend the night so I am ecstatic about having one.

I have this foreign feeling in me because I wasn't woken up by a certain prick I know. I wonder if Nicholas is still sleeping. I stand up from the couch and see him looking more like starring at him. What the fuck? Does this mean. that he has been watching me sleep? What if I snored loud? Oh my God!! I am totally embarassed. I have to ask him why he's starring at me? 'I can feel weird sexual tension.'  Oh shut up!

"Why are you looking at me in a weird way?" I manage to find the courage to ask. "Uhmm.....I....I....mean....uhmmm.....nothing!" he stammered. This is a first! Mr Bad ass is getting soft. "Anyway, I am going home." I say and gather my things. He just nods his head in agreement. I wear my shoes and call a cab. The cab comes and brings me to my apartment. Men, that was as awkward as fuck and I am damn glad I left if not I would have gone crazy.

             Nicholas Taylor's pov

I wake up because I heard a really loud snore. How come I am in my underwear? Last time I checked, I was still in a casual outfit. Oh my God, which girl did I fuck last night? I get up from my bed and see Emma sleeping on my couch. I am sure I was wasted yesterday and she brought me back home.

Suddenly I get a flash back about me asking her why she left me for Charlie? Urgh! I don't want to ruin the mood. I look at her again and damn she fucking looks cute while sleeping. Her snoring adds more beauty. 'You 're totally whipped, my boy.'  No way! This is just an illusion. 'You can try to deny it, but I know you can't deny your heart of it. So stop pretending.' Last time I checked, it was none of your business.

I go back and lie in bed. Then Emma wakes up and when she sees me starring at her, she becomes really self concious. I don't see the reason why she needs to be self concious, when she's so pretty. Then she asked me a question and I stutter. It's then I know that my life is officially over. I can't see her anymore or else, I would lose total control of myself. 'I always knew that you were whipped from the beginning.'  You can say whatever you like because I know it's not love! It's just lust. I am lusting over her because I can't have her in my bed. I am a man whore for life! I can't be changed because of a girl so get it into your thick skull. I switch on my TV and try to block all my thoughts and it works a bit.

I hate to say this but this was also a filler chapter like the last one! I hope you like it though! Please vote, comment and help promote this book. One question: Don't you just love how cute Emma and Nicholas are? Thanks and bye!

am out!!

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