Chapter 20: His Family

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                   Emma's pov

I am waiting at the front of my apartment for Nicholas. He promised to pick me up. Anyway, Fabio and Lana still dolled me up. I am dressed in a black cocktail dress, killer red Jimmy Choos heels and red blazer incase it gets cold when I am going back home. Fabio said I was dressed to kill and I totally believe that. Where the freak is he? He is making me more nervous.

Suddenly a limo arrives and Nicholas steps out. "Am sorry we are late. There was a terrible traffic jam on the way here." he explains. "It's no problem but what I don't get, is why your family invited me. I am so nervous, Nicholas." I tell him. "Everything is gonna be fine. Let's go so we wouldn't be late. "We both enter the limo and sit opposite each other. Wow! Here I go to the Taylor's house.

We finally reach there half an hour later. The house is massive but still has a homey feeling to it. When we come down, a blonde woman walks towards me and engages me in a hug. I pat her back awkwardly because I don't know why she's hugging me. Then she whispers "I am so glad you agreed to come over. By the way, I am Mrs Taylor but please call me Alice." "Uhmmm...okay...Mrs Taylor....oh....I meant Alice." I stutter like a fool.

         **** hours later ****

The dinner has been great. I met Nicholas sister. She's called Nina. Can you freaking believe that they are twins? They are twins but totally apart in all ways. Nina is like the younger version of her mother. She has curly long strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and looks perfect. While Nicholas is the younger version of his father with his lustrous dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, olive skin and so many more perfect qualities. Their character is also really different. Nicholas is more like the rich badboy, arrogant jerk, player, cocky asshole and so on. While Nina is kind, caring, loving, humble and In all I can describe her as, is perfect. She's married to a German who's called George Steiner and they both have twins. The twins are called Nelly and Kelly.

I love the twins so much. They know how to entertain people. I am so happy Victoria has gone home. She was also here for dinner. She kept on annoying me the whole time. She was probably doing it on purpose. I also had a feeling she was jealous because the dinner was mainly focused on me. She kept on shooting glares my way. I was so happy when her agent called her and requested that they meet at that moment. Even his parents could sense that Victoria was bitter about everything not being related to her and her career.

I come out of my thoughts when Nina says "I really need your help, Emma. Please just this one." One thing I forgot to say about Nina is that she can be really persistent. She never gives up until she achieves what she wants. " depends on what you want?" I reply uncertain. "I want you to spend the night with my family. Can you please stay over tomorrow and babysit the twins? I have a conference all day tomorrow ans there's nobody to take care of them. Pretty please!" she tries to convince me. "What of Nicholas?" I question. "He doesn't know how to take care of children. Please Emma!" she begs. " Fine only because of the children." I finally agree. She plants a big kiss on my cheek and hugs me. Aww, I feel so loved. Afterwards she lets go of me and goes to make a list of all the things I need to do tomorrow.

"I heard you are staying over." says a voice behind me. I already know it's the devil himself. "Whatever!" I exclaim with no concern. "I hope you know that we have to sleep in the same room. You can have the bed. I will take the couch." he tells me. "Nah. The bed's probably big enough for both of us. I don't mind sharing as far as you don't wake me up with cold water like last time." I warn him. "I promise not to do something like that." he promises.

We both go to bed at midnight. I put a pillow to separate him from me. I can't sleep! I keep on hearing the ticking of the clock on the wall. Urgh....I need to sleep. I feel Nicholas snoring softly next to me. He moves around a bit an places his hand on my waist. He pulls me towards him and I meet his chest. Just hearing his heart beat, makes me fall asleep.

Hey! New update! Just wanna say thanks to all of you reading this book! Please vote, comment and help promote the book! Am so awwing for their cuteness!

am out!

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