Chapter 8: Regrets and Disappointments

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    Nicholas Taylor's pov

This weekend has been one of the most boring ever. I fucked three girls but still didn't get any satisfaction. She has been on my mind all throughout. I thought fucking a lot of bitches would get her out of my mind! I miss the arguments with her. I can't wait for tomorrow so I can torture her. Torturing her is really fun. I was expecting her to bring my weekly planner but only got it per email. I was really disappointed. Fuck! I am totally turning into a pussy!

Suddenly my phone vibrates and it's a text from my dad. This is really peculiar. He hardly ever sends me sms. This is what is written:

'I am so glad I hired Naomi Emma Cadan as your personal assistant. I have read the newspapers over and over again and there's no scandal about you. Aren't you glad? She's a great influence on you! I think you should take her to lunch tomorrow to show your appreciation. From your Dad!'

Does this mean he's proud of me? This is a first. This is perfect because I can tell Emma about it and tell her to book a table for us. However, I would use it as an advantage over her. I can't wait to see her facial expression. I send her a text telling her to be punctual tomorrow and also to get me a coffee from the Starbucks down the road. Then I drift off to sleep excited about tomorrow!

           Emma's pov

I am such a pig. All I have done since yesterday is pig out and watch Pretty Little Liars. Since the beginning of today, all I have done is regret not going to give him the routine planner personally. I got a message from him before I went to bed and it totally brightened my day. All I could do was think about him throughout the night.


I am so glad when my alarm rings. I even do the running man dance for you to know how happy I am. I shower quickly and wear a cream coloured dress with a white blazer and white sandals. I want to go natural so I don't apply any makeup. Instead of that, I do my hair in a bun. I look totally professional and classy in the outfit. I grab him the coffee he asked me to get him and arrive in his office at exactly 9am. Yeah!! I am punctual.

He takes the coffee and sips it slowly. Then he says "Thanks for not messing the order, my dear pa." "Oh please, spare me the courtesy." I interrupt him. "Fine! Let me go straight to the point. My dad wants me to take you out for Lunch." Oh my fucking God, is he really going to ask me out. He continues "Since we are enemies, I don't think it's a bright idea. I want you to book a table for two in the Italian restaurant La Bella." "So who's the table for?" I ask smugly. I am hoping that he says for him and I. "It's for one of my one night stand and I. I want to treat the last girl I fucked to a good meal." Immediately he says this, something in me breaks into pieces and I feel something deflate in me. I actually thought everything would change.

"Oh sure! You got to energize her before you give her a good fuck!" I add and smile forcefully. "Yeah! So leave me now!" He commands. I leave his office with a forced smile on my face.

        Nicholas Taylor's pov
Yeah! I am now ahead of her with two points. A part of me is kind of sad. I saw disappointment in her eyes when I told her I was going with one of my one night stands. Urgh........I have probably ruined my chance with her. 'You both would have never worked because you have Victoria! I hope you haven't forgotten that she's coming back in a week.' That's true! My favourite fuck buddy is coming back soon. I text the last girl I fucked and invite her for dinner. She must be so happy that I called back. She must be feeling special! She better be great in bed or I delete her number and never contact her! Great!!! I am stuck with a dumb blonde for dinner.

              Emma's pov
I book a table for two in La Bella. Then I reply all my emails and read an article till Lunch. During Lunch, I go to Starbucks and grab myself a frappuccino. Then I walk to a Deli and grab a salami sandwich.

When I get back to the office, there is a stick-it-note on my desk from Nicholas. He has gone home because he's tired and doesn't feel so well. I pack my things and leave the office since I don't have anything else to do. I go with the metro and arrive in my apartment half an hour later. I sit on the couch and wait patiently for Lana.

Hi Guys! It's been a while! Aren't u  excited to meet Victoria! Well, she's in the next chapter! pls vote, comment and help promote the book! It's the holidays and I promise more updates! Hurray! Nicholas is such a meanie! :-(:-(
Lil acy! ♡♥·♥♡=♡♥÷♥♡

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