Chapter 14: Nurse Time

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               Emma's pov

I wake up in hope that everything wouldn't be as awkward as yesterday. I wear a black skirt suit, red longsleeve and red pumps. Also, I apply a touch of make-up and very bright red lipstick. It's kind of like the one Rihanna uses. I think it has the same brightness. I check my phone and see that I have no message from my boss. This is a bit strange.

I take a cab to the office. When I get there, I see that his office is locked. I wait for him for an hour but still, there's no sight of him anywhere around. I decide to go to his mansion to see what the problem is. Maybe he doesn't want to see me after the tension of yesterday.

The cab drops me at the front of the gate. I type in the code but it is denied. Why did he change the code? Then someone that looks like the security man comes out of the house and asks "Who are you looking for?" I reply "I am looking for Nicholas Taylor. I am his personal assistant, Emma Caden. I didn't see him in work today and wanted to know if he's sick or something. " "Wait a moment!" he says and goes back into the house. He's probably going to ask Nicholas if he knows me. I wonder why I have never seen him here. This is really peculiar. Why do rich people need security men? 'For protection, you dummy! '  Whatever.

He comes out five minutes later and opens the gate for me. "Do you know that you 're the first lady apart from Madame Vicky that I have seen entering this house?" he questions curiously.  " idea. Don't the other pa enter the house?" I answer his question. "Nope. He usually talks to them from the gate. You must be really special to him." he adds. "Okay....." I exclaim because I don't really know what to say. I don't want to process what he told me. There's no possible way that he likes me. I just push all the thoughts behind me as usual.

I step into the house and begin searching for Nicholas. I find him lying helplessly in his bed. He looks really weak. I have a feeling that he's sick. 'That was kind of obvious!  If I may say.'  "OMG, I didn't know you were sick. Why didn't you message me or something? Do I call the doctor for you?" I query. "No thank you, Emma. I was too tired to get my phone from the dresser. All I need is to rest so you don't have to worry about me." he tries to convince me. "If you say so! But there's no way, I am leaving you here alone. I will stay and help you." I command and give him no room for argument.

I take off my blazer and my pumps. I move the sleeves till they reach my elbow and navigate my way to his kitchen. OMFG!!! The kitchen is huge and well equipped. I mean it's freaking amazing. I can stay here forever! Wow, I adore the life of the rich. I make him a really hot and spicy chicken soup. I take the food to him and he starts complaining about it not being as good as the one that his grandma makes.

I fucking hate seeing Nicholas like this because he's really picky. He always has something to complain about and it's annoying the fuck out of me. I clean him with a towel so that his temperature can reduce a bit. I decide to put a movie for him to watch because he keeps on giving me this really bored expression. I choose We 're the Miller's and we start watching it. Suddenly, I feel my eyes becoming really heavy and I just close my eyes and ..................

Hiya! Its a new update. I am doing  my Very best because I want to finish this book before school begins in September! Please vote, comment and try to help me promote this book! Those out there reading this book, I freaking love you guys! One question: What do you think caused the sudden illness of Nicholas?
am out!

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