Chapter 3: Surprise!!!!

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             Emma's pov

"Even if I fall and stumble, even if you cause me trouble, I wouldn't let you get to me.........." buzzed my alarm. I pulled the button and off it went. "Finally! I thought the day would never begin!" I stretch and yawn loudly. My old grandfather clock chimes that the time is 7am. I jump out of my bed and grab my phone. I quickly dial Lana and she picks up after the third ring "I hate you for calling me at this time!" "I am so sorry. I have an emergency and need your help. Can we meet at 9? Are you working today? Please help me out!" I apologise through the phone. "We can meet at 9. I am working in the evening. If you want me to be punctual, then I have to go now! Kiss Kiss!" she says and cuts the call without waiting for my reply. That's Lana for you! She always ends the call! She never waits for reply. She doesn't know our meeting point. I quickly send her a text which says:

'Lets meet at Starbucks! The one with your crush, okay? BTW, stop cutting calls! It's rude :-( but I still love you :-D'

A minute later a reply comes:

'Okay! I would make myself extra spicy and hot. Sorry for cutting the call! :-*:-*'

I go and brush my teeth. Afterwards, I have a quick shower and dress into a baggy blue jeans and white xxl t-shirt with my faded converse. I let my hair down and apply my almost empty lipgloss onto my lips. I check the time and see that it's 8 o'clock. I have to leave in thirty minutes if I want to catch the bus that goes to the direction of Starbucks. It comes every thirty minutes. I go to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of fake chocolate cereals. I call it fake because it's cheaper than Kelloggs, has low quality and doesn't taste as good. Very soon, I would start eating normal cereals and food. I eat it quickly and do the dishes.

I leave the house and jog to the bus station. The bus arrives after five minutes and I enter. I arrive exactly at nine and see Lana approaching me. We hug briefly and exchange air kisses. Afterwards, we head to Starbucks and place our order. After receiving our order, we go and sit in an empty booth. Lana breaks the silence by asking "What is so important that you want to talk about?" "I got offered a job at Le Claire and I have to go shopping for office outfits. They paid me one grand." I say. "OMG!! Why didn't you tell me? How could you do this to me? " she queries. "FYI, I got the email yesterday and I resume work tomorrow. This is an emergency." I reply a bit angry. "Please don't be mad at me! I am just scared that you would abandon me for the educated people, when you start working there. " she pleads. "I would never leave you! You are my bestie. You have always been here for me! There's no way I can abandon you. Just know that this is ma oath to you, Lana." I assure her. "Bestie for life or in no matter what situation we 're?" she asks. "That's fine with me!" I reply and give her a kiss on her cheek. "So where do you want to go shopping?" she asks. "I was thinking of the shopping plaza at the middle of the city." I say proudly. "Are you kidding me?" she asks seriously. "No, I am dead serious!" I answer with determination. We start squeaking and jumping for joy.

Suddenly, Lana's crush (the Starbuck's worker) approaches us. "How may I help you?" I ask politely. "Uhmmm...........I wanted to talk to your friend over here." he answers. "Did....did I do anything wrong?" asks Lana full of fright. "No. I wanted to.........ask you out on a date." he says shyly and flushes a bit. 'Awww, how cute!' I feel like awwing at his cuteness. "Really?" she questions. "Yes." he states very fast. "Sure. By the way, my name's Lana." she introduces herself. "I am Amar." he says in return. After the introduction, they exchange numbers and Amar goes back to working. Lana whispers "Is this my lucky day? I can't believe he noticed me. Plain Lana!" she unbelievably. says. "You are not plain, Lana. Any guy who doesn't notice you, must be really blind because you are as hot as fire in hell." I exaggerate a bit. She blushes furiously.

After eating, we leave Starbucks and walk down the road to the shopping plaza. I have been here about three times. I hardly come shopping here. We go to Tally Weijl and see that they just brought a new collection. I try many clothes and end up buying three big bags full of clothes which cost about $200. Then, I go to H&M, New Yorker,  Peek and Cloppenberg, C&A and some other shops. I spent a total of $600 at the other shops and when added with the money from Tally it equals $800 as the final total. Afterwards, I went to a smart phone shop and bought myself a Samsung Galaxy S2 which costed $190.

At the end of the day, I only had $10 left. However, I used it in going to McDonalds with Lana. We were terribly exhausted. We went to the bus station and it came after after ten minutes. It drove us back till the front of the cafe. BTW, the bus stop is close to the cafe. We both get down and walk to the cafe. I hug Lana and bade her goodbye. I go to the direction of the bosses office while Lana goes to the changing room. Her shift starts in ten minutes.

I knock on the door and enter when I hear him say "come in" with my tons of shopping bags. I drop them in a corner and sit opposite him.

"What brings you here, Emma? Don't tell me you are here for a loan again!" he says sarcastically. He's such an asshat! "Sorry to bust your bubbles but I am here to say that I quit! I have gotten a job in a better place." I reply with the same tone he used on me. "Well, then I would just give you your paycheck." he hands me a check of $500 and I put in my bag. I take my bags and leave the cafe. I walk home and arrive after a while. I arrange the clothes in my wardrobe. I am too tired to make something to eat. So I set my alarm for 6:45 and go to bed.

          Nicholas Taylor's pov

I still haven't found a personal assistant. It's so stressful without one. Allison from the account department helps me for about two hours and leaves afterwards. We don't have any special relationship because she's married. Anyway, I tapped her virginity before her husband. I fucked her about six times. We were basically friends with benefits. I am glad that she's happy with someone. I never did her after she got married. I don't do married women. Okay, that's a lie. The real reason is that I got sick of her.

I know that my dad is going to hire a pa for me and I am still waiting until he hires one. I know for sure that I am going to torture her. I will only torture her if she's ugly or a married biatch.  I wouldn't be surprised if she falls in love with me like the others. I switch off my laptop and dial the girl I slept with last night.


Well well, he sure is a cocky bastard! I hope u loved this chap! vote and do what u think is right to support me and this book! ♡♥♡

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