Seriously hurt, mentally and physically...

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"Babe?" I yell through out the bus. I walked in the back lounge to see Remington against the wall kissing a girl. Why... He, promised me!

"What the fuck?!" I yell causing them to break apart. Let's start from the begging of how this happened, I was on the All Time Low bus with Jack until I saw Remington walking back to the bus, I left it alone until I saw a girl follow him, I then walk in to see him kissing some one...

"I-its not what you think!" He trys to explain

"No it is what I'm thinking! Your cheating on me! Seriously! After all you've told me! You loved me! You promised you wouldn't hurt me!" I yell causing the girl to run out of the bus leaving me and Remington alone.

"Babe, sh-"

"Don't fucking call me babe! Were done Remington!" I yell now tears going down my face

"Listen to me! I d-"

"Stop! You've made your decision! 1 fucking month and you cheat on me! I told myself I would never date someone again, and yet, I did and became broken" I whisper the last part and run off the bus, rem still followed me

"Babe! STOP!" He yelled getting everyone's attention,

"LEAVE ME ALONE! YOUR JUST GONNA HURT ME WORSE!" I yell walking out of tour bus area to where there was a rode.

"Im not lying!" Remington yells following me. I stood in the middle of the street

"That's what you belie-" I'm cut off by a car smashing into me. Remington yelled as my body hit the floor. The last thing I see is Remington's face before everything goes black.

Remington's pov-----

I held her body clutching it to me. "Someone call for help!" I yell at the band members crowding around me "baby please stay awake please" I cry holding on to her. "I'm sorry! Why couldn't have been me! Why!"

Echo's body was token out of my arms by the paramedics. I get in the back of the ambulance while calling the guys

---at the hospital---

"Biersack and Worsnop?"

Andy walked up there with Danny, Echo has been in surgery for 3 hours now, she has 3 broken ribs, her wrist broken, and her nose. I've been blaming myself for it as soon as she got hit. If only I pushed off Emily. Emily use to be my old girlfriend, she came on to me, I didn't want to kiss her. I only love Echo.

"3 people may come onto her room" Andy states wiping his eyes.

"I'll go" I stand up getting glares from Jack and Alex. Danny nods and takes me back to the room.

*Back to Echo's pov---

Where am I???, I'm just in a room with a girl. She has wings and is looking at me.

"Echo, you have to wake up!"

"W-where am I?" I ask sacred "all I remember is pain"

"Your in a coma right now, you have to wake up! There waiting for you!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Rebel, your guardian angel. I'm here for you, but you have to wake up, Reming-"

"I don't want to see him" I tear up

"You have to find out the truth! Please wake up!" And with that all I see is black but can hear everything!

"Echo, darling please wake up" its Andy. I'm holding his hand

"Andy!" I yell but nothing comes out

"Baby, we need you here, Remington is sorry. He means it, he's been blaming himself for everything" Danny says holding on to my other hand.

"Its true E, we all you need you here" that was Jacks voice.

----2 weeks later--+

Its been like forever and I'm still coma. I have the guys here almost everyday, they had to cancel the rest of warped tour, and Juliet's now here everyday, Andy and her made up. I just can't wake up! I try and try. I've seen Rebel once so far, she told me to keep trying.

"Hey Echo, its Andy. I have Juliet and Remington here with me, we really miss you baby." Andy sobs. I feel like crying. I'm holding Remington's hand and Andy's. Wake up you idiot! Wake up! WAKE UP! I open my eyes and close them cause of the light, I did it.

"A-andy" I speak out causing them to look up

"E-echo?" Andy sobs. I pull him into me and hug him crying. Crying because I'm sorry, because I'm sad, and for the pain.

"Mom!" I yell grabbing Juliet hugging her "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you to baby" she kisses my head. We let go and I glance at Remington who is in tears with his hands in his face.

"Andy an I will go get a doctor" Juliet and him leave, leaving me with Remington

"Babe" I choke out. "I-i'm sorry" I hold his hand. "I wish I believed you!"

"Baby, I forgive you" he hugs me. I hug him back crying into his shoulder. "I love you so much"

"I love you to" I sob

"Its all my fault your in here!" He sobs

"Don't say that baby! She's the one who came on to you" I hug him back crying, I look up to see Rebel smiling at me. I smile back at her and she leaves

"You could h-hear me the whole time?" He asks sobbing

"Yes baby I did" we let go as the doctor can in.

"Ms.Worsnop Biersack, you may leave once someone signs the papers."

I cryed during this...




Adopted by Andy (Remington Leith)Where stories live. Discover now