Chapter 19

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"So then you go up to her—are you even listening? Listen. You go up to her, have this real serious look on her face, right? She doesn't know what's coming. She's real unsure, a little scared 'cause you look like you could kill a man. And you're real serious and you go, 'I want to talk to you about something, Lucy'. And she will wonder what it is. And you just grab her shoulders—rough, but not too rough. She's kind of little, you'd hurt her. Anyways, you grab her shoulders and you pull her in, and you kiss her. Hard and hot and stuff, then melt it down into sweet and short. Passionate, y'know?"

Natsu was sitting on the floor, his head fallen back, leaning on the concrete wall of the boys washroom. They'd gone in there to talk in private, in case any females wanted to eavesdrop on this top secret conversation. "What was I supposed to tell her?"

Gajeel shook his head, utterly disappointed in Natsu. "You say you have something to tell her—then you kiss her. The kiss is what you were trying to tell her. Are you an idiot?"

Natsu made a face. "I still don't get it."

Gray piped up now, shoving Gajeel out of his way. "Ignore this fluff—he's been watching way too many romantic comedies in the library."

Gajeel looked insulted. "They're good movies! The scripts are fantastic."

Gray huffed out a breath. "Anyway, don't do what he just said. You just go up to her, nice and simple, and say 'Hey, Lucy, would you like to go on a date with me?'"

"Where the hell am I supposed to take her on a date?"

"I don't know! The library or something." Gray shrugged. "That's up to you. I'm just giving you direction."

Natsu perked up an eyebrow, glancing to Gajeel. "You got any ideas for a date night?"

Gajeel crossed his arms. "Plenty. But none for a romantic night in a mental hospital."

"Ugh," Natsu groaned, hitting his head against the concrete again. "Why am I even worrying about a date? I can't even tell her how I feel yet."

"Maybe just talk to her, and it'll all spill right out," Gray offered with a small smile.

"Thanks, Gray. That's quite literally the exact opposite of what I want to happen. But great suggestion."

"I already told you, dummy. Romance the shit out of her. Blondie'll go nuts."

"What makes you so sure?"

Gajeel shrugged. "We get along pretty well—we chatted about movies, we both have the same taste in film. She likes what I like. Trust me, she'll like it if you go full romance."

Gray laughed; Natsu's chest felt like it was engulfed in flames.

"Is this just a waste of time?" Natsu sighed, body going limp as he slouched. "What if she doesn't even like me? What if this is all for nothing?"

Before Gajeel or Gray could respond, a booming voice echoed its way through the boy's washroom. The voice was so loud it made all of the boys jump and shriek, fear running down their spines; they turned to the entrance, unsure of who it could be.

The voice sounded angry. "Never give up! Never hesitate! Go forth with Lucy!"

Gray blinked at the doorway. "...God?"

The door slammed open and Erza strode in, a serious expression knitted into her face.

"Jesus!" Gajeel snapped, shaking his head.

"Are you kidding me?" Gray mumbled.

Natsu glanced around. "This is the boy's washroom, right?"

Erza walked in, shaking her head. "Natsu, are you really about to give up, just like that?"

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