Chapter 3

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Picture of Damon above!Layla's pov
I walked in to find everyone staring at me. I smiled sheepishly and quickly walked over to the teacher.
I stuck out my hand. "Hi I'm new here I'm Layla" i smiled.
She looked at my hand and rolled her eyes. Whats up her ass? i looked at her shocked what the hell just happened. The whole class started laughing at me and started shouting 'loser' and 'screw up'
Honestly I wanted to cry but I wouldn't give them that satisfaction.
I saw an open seat in the back and trudged my way over there. I threw my bag down and sat down suddenly wishing I had brought a hoodie to hide my face in.
I took out my notebook and starting taking notes. A piece of paper hit me in the head i picked it up and read the note. What was on there was shocking.
'Kill yourself your not wanted here'
Are you serious? you should never EVER tell someone to kill themselves.
(Guys please honestly don't bully other people its wrong and never tell anyone to kill themselves its plain wrong and if anyone is getting bullied message me and I'll always be here to listen)
I looked at them disgusted, I dumped the note in my bag and continued taking notes. I can't let them get to me.
The bell finally went off after a torturing 45 minutes.
I got my bag and ran out of the classroom to my next class, unfortunately for me the same thing happened. Again and again. For all of my classes. I made my way to the lunchroom to see the cafeteria set up into cliques.
You got the sluts/populars, the nerds, the normals, the goths(guys i dot mean any offense to these) the awkwards, etc.
Where the hell do i fit in. I saw a table by the garbage can with nobody there. I sat down and pulled out my sand which apple an water.
I started to eat awkwardly after a while of sitting there I threw out my lunch and walked out. Only to have Damon follow me does he not get the idea! I don't like him.
I won't like him.
I don't need him. I don't want him. I only need me, myself, and I. That's how I survived most of my life. I learned the hard way.

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