Chapter 6

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Layla's outfit for school!
Layla's POV:
I'm running.
But I'm running from something, or someone. My feet ache and I'm gasping for air but no air is entering my lungs.
It's like I'm drowning but with no water.
Falling over a vine I quickly turn nervous to see who or what is behind me.
No one is their.
It's so weird I know someone was following me. Hell I could even hear the pounding of thousands of feet against the dirt. But suddenly it's like it all stopped.
My eyes were darting around the forest. But they couldn't seem to take anything in, all until a figure appeared in the distance.
"Who are you! Leave me alone!"
By now I was sobbing. My brain was on overload trying to figure out who this person was.
The figure continued to approach me but it wasn't human I don't think.
It was so close but it was blurry I could almost see it... No reach it.
I reached my hand out on-
Ughh. I hate school.
No I hate my life.
But there is no time to wallow in my own self pity.
Dragging my practically dead body out of the "cloud" (bed) I made my way over to my closet.
Looking out my window I could see it was gonna be a cold, gloomy day.
(Layla's outfit above!)
Going to my vanity I put on some light makeup and curled my hair.

7:10 am

Shoot! I have 5 minutes to get to school! Hurrying I grabbed my bag, an apple, and a water and ran to my car.
Then I was off to what is known as hell.
I was running through the halls like a maniac I was already 10 minutes late!
Ugh nice Layla, more ways to bring attention to yourself.
Reaching the door I stopped fixed my hair and catched my breath. Turning the handle I entered the class only to have all eyes locked on me.
Feeling the heat rush to my face I quickly turned to the teacher.
"I-Im so sorry. I woke up really late an-"
My mouth quickly shut. Oh gosh please not detention please anything but detention.
But I guess she read my mind because guess what she gave me!
I was mortified of detention. I mean who knows what could happen in detention. And oh gosh it goes on my personal record. Now what college is gonna accept me if they see I have a detention!
I utterly and truly hate my life.
I wanted to cry right here and now. The whole class was laughing at me. My feet felt like cement as they dragged against the floor towards my seat.
Taking out my notes I start to scribble down whatever this mean teacher seems to be writing down.
Feeling a hard little ball I turn to see where it was coming from.
Looking to my left I see Damon point down. Grabbing the piece of paper and quickly unwrapping I read the message.

Detention isn't that bad I have it to. At least we have it together right?;)

Laughing quietly I write back

Whatever dude

I threw the paper back and shoke my head.I continue to write the notes down, and I thought to myself again. I won't let him get into my head maybe we could be friends. There's nothing wrong with that. I could hold off my womanly hormones. Right?

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