Chapter 7

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Picture of violet above!


Looking at the doorknob I couldn't make myself turn it. I mean I'm freaking out. All the bad kids are in there, and I'm well you know me!

You know what f*** it!

Woah total bipolar moment but oh well. Turning the knob I step in only to have all eyes on me. But only one caught mine. Damon's. He does have the prettiest eyes there so blue!

I wish I had blue eyes! I have hazel, but his are like a beautiful sky.

"Miss Summers I'm glad you could make it take a sit"

Wow she said that in the scariest voice I've ever heard. Rolling my eyes I made my way to the back only to have a spitball land right on my head.


"Who threw that!"

I stomped my foot and I looked around but everyone was just laughing. I hate them all.

Sitting down I take out my homework and got started hoping to get most of it done.



Da fuq?

"I didn't say anything it w-"

"Save it! If you talk again you have another one tomorrow!"

Ugh! These teachers are doing this on purpose! She saw exactly who it was but blamed it on me!

Turning to look at Damon I glared at him. Only to have him return the face with the saddest puppy eyes.

Mentally awwing I turn around and do my homework. Looking at the clock there's about another hour left. Perfect maybe I can get my biology homework done?


Looking over at Damon I looked at him confused.


"Stop biting your lip."

He turned around before I could reply. What? I was- oh. Releasing my lip I continue to do my homework.

"Alright you may go"

Smiling inwardly i hurriedly grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door. Making my way to my car I jumped in and started it.

Only to have it not start. Really!!!!!!!

Great guess who's walking. Grabbing my stuff I slammed my door frustratingly and started on my long journey home.

Looking up at the sky it was so grey the sun wasn't even out. And to make it even it worse it started pouring outside!

Isn't my life the greatest?

I trudged my way home through the freezing cold rain. It was hard to see through rain, causing me to squint, but it didn't help much. My clothes were soaked by now, and my TOMS made a squishing sound as they made impact in the mud.

As I walked I could just make out the sound of a car slowing down next to me over the loud pounding of the rain. I got stiff and tense, and then I got ready to run.

As the car finally came to a complete stop, I broke out into a sprint. Water splashed and probably ruined my TOMS, but I ignored it. There was the possibility of me getting raped. no way in hell was I considering my shoes now.

Of course me being the dumbass that I am slipped and fell in a puddle. I groaned as pain spread throughout my back and head. a few black spots danced in my eyesight, but I blinked them away.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked. I just let out another groan in reply. A hand was soon placed in front of me, and I took it without checking who it was. that was a mistake on my part as my eyes connected with his blue ones.

"I'm fine." I said, quickly pulling my hand away.

"You don't look it." He said with a smirk. I glared at him before replying.

"You don't look like an ass, but you are. Ever hear the saying 'looks can be deceiving'?" I shot back, and the smirk instantly faded.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked, changing the subject.

"No." I said immediately. He didn't seem saddened by what I said, but you could see a bit of hurt in his eyes.

"You're really gonna walk in this weather? Might as well jump into the ocean." He said laughing

"I'd rather do that than get in a car with you." I lied. I did want to.

"You know what? You're stubborn as fuck." He groaned.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"Well, you need a ride." He said. I rolled my eyes and reached into my back pocket to pulled out my phone. When I pulled out my phone, I mentally winced at sight of the shattered screen. It must of happened when I fell. Dammit.

I clicked the iHome button, full of hope and fear, but with my luck, it wouldn't turn on. I groaned at this. Just what I need. I put it back into my pocket and looked at Damon.

"Come on. It's getting a little Katrina out here." He said referring to a hurricane.

"Fine right to my house?"
"Right to you house I promise" he smiled at me and we walked to his car. Opening the door I jumped in only to hit my had on the top of the car. Oh god could this get anymore embarrassing. I could see he wanted to laugh so bad.

"Hardy har had go ahead laugh at me."
And with those words he started howling with laughter. His laugh with so contagious I found myself laughing with him, I swear we were laughing so hard I could feel the tears trickling down my cheeks.
"Ok that was hilarious"

"Me and my clumsiness"

He smiled at me and shut the door and ran to the other side. He got in and started the car. I soon looked away, when I realized I was staring. I looked around his car, since it was a pretty nice car. Then I saw something I wished I never saw. My mouth went dry and my eyes widen. in the backseat was a used condom.

"What are you looking at?" Damon asked, looking in the rearview mirror. He froze when he saw the condom.

"Oh-umm." He stuttered.

"No it's-uh fine we don't go out so I don't care."

My words definitely didn't match to what I was feeling. I was hurt, I guess that's what happens when you let go.


"No Damon it's fine we don't go out, I don't care and my house is right here. Thanks for the ride."

Quickly getting out I shut the door and ran to my door, closing it quickly I sat down and thought about what happened in the best and worst 10 minutes of my life.

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