The Blue Hockey Stick

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Kids, remember how I told you about Nicole? Uncle Luke’s friend from Canada? I clearly remember the first time I took her out. But let’s start at the time when I first got introduced to her.


“This is my bandmate Calum. He plays the bass.” And that was the start of how I had this feeling in me, the feeling that I just had to make her mine and it seemed like the best ide ever—at the time—but then, of course, I’ve come to realize that it was probably a mistake but a nice mistake. A mistake that I would never take back. Because if I did…I wouldn’t have met your mother.

“He’s one year older than me.” I don’t know why but your Uncle Luke began to ramble on and on about some embarrassing stories about everyone. Personally I think he was trying to get Nicole to not like us but I was smarter than that.

Once your Uncle Luke had disappeared—momentarily—I went to the kitchen and found Nicole eating a tub of ice cream. Quickly I looked around and saw that Luke wasn’t in sight anywhere and I took this as the perfect opportunity to pick her up. So I go up to her and she smiles at me and then it—the thing I like to call the dead moment—happened.

The moment I opened my mouth to speak, I froze and just stood there with my mouth wide open while I stared at Nicole with wide eyes. “Are you alright there Calum?” I would’ve expected me to be able to speak—at the sound of her sweet voice—but I didn’t, in fact it got worse.

Way worse.

Your Uncle Luke came in. “Are you alright Cal?” Now I don’t know what I did next but I’m pretty sure it involved me running out of the room and away from the kitchen. I’m sure I tripped over something before I made it to some bathroom.

“Is Calum alright?”

“He’ll be fine. I’ll go check on him. Michael and Ashton are in the living room, you can go wait there while I make sure Calum is alright.” I began to panic. I don’t know why I was but I just didn’t want to see your Uncle Luke, so I did the most stupid thing ever: I escaped through the window. Yeah there was a window and I don’t know why.

Thankfully it was on the ground floor but it still hurt. From there I managed to escape and I ran around the neighbourhood for a bit then I turn up at some house. “Water. I need water.” I didn’t take time to see where I was but I go to the nearest house and knock on the door. And then standing there was Nicole.

“Cal?” And next thing I know, it’s black.

While I was passed out Nicole was taking care of me because the other guys went out to get food. When I woke up, I was on the couch and she was sitting on a small chair while pressing a damp towel on my forehead.

“You’re awake.” And she let out the most adorable smile ever and then I did the second stupidest thing ever.

“Will you go out with me?” I wasn’t the wisest or smoothest guy when it came to picking up girls and getting dates but I guess my stupidity caught her attention and she actually said yes. Just in time before Luke came in.

Nicole sat away and gave everyone a welcoming hug. And just before she disappeared into the kitchen she smiled at me. And then I did the third stupidest thing: I stole something for her.



“You STOLE something for her?” Yes I did and I wasn’t really proud of it.

“Dad, that’s theft.” I know.

“What did you steal for her?” Since she’s Canadian. I stole her a blue coated hockey stick.

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