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I wasn’t really thinking about anything else—when I stole the blue hockey stick—as always because I am an idiot.



I was out somewhere having lunch with your Uncle Luke and I noticed on the wall that the place had a blue hockey stick. Then it finally clicked in my head that we were indeed eating at a restaurant owned by a Canadian.

Something in me sparked and I knew I had to get it. It wasn’t going to be too hard to get off so without a second thought I got up from my seat ran for the stick and grabbed it. Leaving Luke behind. I didn’t want to look back and immediately ran back to Michael’s house.

Jumping over a rock for no reason until I barged into the house panting. “Calum?” There she was. I took a moment to get hold of my breath before handing her the blue hockey stick. “Is this…for me?” I told her it was and then she did what any normal person would do to someone that stole something. She gave me a lecture.

It dragged on for only two minutes but then by the end of it she sat down—with the stolen stick—and looked at me. “You stole this for me?”

“Yeah.” A large smile grew on her face and she grabs my hand—dropping the stick—and quickly puts on her shoes as she practically dragged me somewhere. Then I notice that we’re at the park where I had planned to take her later on that night for our date. “How did you-.”

“You keep a diary under your pillow. Which just so happens to be the exact same room where Luke hid something of mine. I’m sorry. I only read that one page.” She shrugs her shoulders and the two of us sit down and enjoy the nice weather and the food. That I guess she must’ve put there.

There was a stereo and I played a slow song before standing up and offering my hand out for her. “Can I have this dance?” She smiled, which I took as a good message and as we slowed dance and then I did the biggest mistake you could do on the first date with someone you had just met.

I leaned in.

Nicole didn’t know what was happening until I was just barely touching her lips. “Calum….I love you.” Is what I would’ve liked her to say.

“What are you doing?” Is what she actually said. Then she proceeded to look at me with a confused look before saying: “I can’t. I’m dating someone.” And that someone turned out to be the biggest douche in the whole of the world.





“I can’t. I’m dating someone.” She was dating Phillip Westmoore. Now we all went to school with Phillip—except for your Uncle Ashton because he’s older than us—but we all knew that he was the biggest douche ever. We don’t know how he knew Nicole but then she told me. “I met him when I used to go to school here.”

And that was when I realized that the Nicole standing in front of me today is the same Nicole that dated your Uncle Luke from 2006 until 2010. The very same girl that broke his heart and left him to go to CANADA.


“What happened between them?” What happened between them was the start of Luke’s reason on why you shouldn’t really trust Uncle Michael.

“Wait does Uncle Ashton also not trust Uncle Michael completely?” Exactly. But we’ll get to Ashton’s story later.

For now I shall tell you what happened between Uncle Luke and Nicole……..

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