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Remember how I said I regretted playing Nicole ‘Amnesia’? Here’s why.

After I played the song to her she just stayed quiet and said nothing and then she left. And I never saw her again after that. Luke tried calling her and emailing her and everything, we all tried but she wouldn’t pick up for any of us. Not even Luke. Naturally your Uncle Luke blamed Michael, seeing how he was the one that got her to leave in the first place.

WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS TIME MICHAEL?!?!” I would’ve done something, but seeing how angry your Uncle Luke was, I didn’t say anything. Instead. I just went along with it.

“Yeah Michael what did you do?” I know, it’s probably not the best thing to do in a situation like this but hey, you gotta defend yourself when you can. “She was a cool girl.” I totally left out the part where I kissed her and told her I am in love with her.

“Shut up Calum! You kissed her and told her you loved her!” But there’s always your Uncle Luke to fill out those gaps. In the end Ashton had to take Michael away while I took Luke back to the music room and tried to get him to calm down. 

“She means the world to me Calum!” More than you may ever think kids. “I was….I was going to….” Generally those who are under this kind of emotion don’t tend to think straight but when it comes to your Uncle Luke….things are always truthful. “I was going to tell her that I was still madly in love with her and that I wanted her back.”

Ever since your Uncle Luke and Aunt Nicole first separated, we all knew Luke wouldn’t be the same again. She changed him in a way none of us would ever understand. She made him a better person. And we had never ever seen him so happy whenever she was around.

You could practically feel the love when you were in the same room. Now kids, by now guilt was heavy in my heart and I knew I had to do something about it. So as I was going to grab my phone to try and call her again. She beat me to it.

“It’s Nicole.” 


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