Getting Noticed

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It was in the beginning of the school year of 2005 when your Uncle Luke first met Nicole. She was the new student from Canada and we all attended a school that was mostly made up of Australians so having a Canadian in the school, she became instantly popular.


~back to the story~

The hallways were busy as usual and I was by my locker with Michael when we noticed that people were parting ways for someone that had just walked in. For a moment we thought that maybe it was the principle but we couldn’t see his towering figure over the sea of students so we stepped to the front and that was when we saw her.

Her brown hair flowing nicely as she smiled at everyone showing off her pearly whites but she didn’t do it just to show off, no, she did it just to make everyone happy. All the guys were staring at her, eyes and mouths wide open as she walked down the hallway.

Next to her stood her older brother who no one dared to look at. Also because they were too busy eying her to even care about her older brother. The moment that she disappeared into a class, everyone instantly went into frenzy.

All that I could hear were guys talking about how they would try and get her to like them and all that. Anyways, everyone tried being her friend, they would go up to her and ask her if she needed help with anything and being the kind hearted Canadian that she is, she was also asking others if they needed help with anything.

That was how she turned up at our lunch table holding her packed lunch and looking down at us as we sat. “Do you need help with that?” Michael was struggling to open a water bottle so he handed it over to her and she opened it easily.

“Thank you.” She smiled at us before leaving to go somewhere else. At this time of the day, she still hadn’t noticed Luke. He was the only person she hadn’t seen. Only because he was the quiet person in our year, he was a little secluded from everyone else.

But she finally saw him at the end of the day.

She was hanging out with some girls telling them about Canada and your Uncle Luke was secretly looking at her from his locker. He thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen but he knew that he was the only guy in school who had no chance with her. Until a miracle happened.

It’s like in those cliché romance movies, he had stared at her a little too long and she noticed, she turned and that was when she noticed your Uncle Luke, hiding shyly behind his open locker. Knowing she hadn’t seen his face before, she walked up to him and leaned against the lockers.

Now kids, you’ve got to promise me to not tell your Uncle Luke that I told you this.



“We promise.”


“Hey. I haven’t seen you yet. I’m Nicole and you’re….?”

Through his panic and nervousness he answered with. “LUKE SKYWALKER.” Luckily she took it well and the two talked for a bit. Luke smiled as she walked away. Finally someone had noticed him.

Throughout the rest of the year they become close friends until eventually Luke asked her to be his girlfriend at the end of the school year in 2006.


It was under the starlight as the pair were on their 7th date. “Will you be my girlfriend?” And he handed her a mini hockey stick instead of a rose. And that was the start of their amazing relationship until she had to leave him in 2010. 

But the story of why she left…I will leave for later.

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