Chapter 15

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"Thank you to everyone who has come out to see us tonight; after your warm welcome toward Daisy last week I had to show her off in person." Harry paused to smile as the audience cheered for Daisy. "Isn't she adorable? Aww, I think she's blushing."

Daisy was indeed blushing and glared at Harry for a second, so he continued introducing their show.

"I'm happy to see so many of you've come out on short notice. The proceeds of the ticket sales will go to one of my favorite charities, so thank you all very much. I'm sure you didn't pay to come here and listen to me talk, so here's my new single 'Two Ghosts'." With that, Harry and Daisy, and his band began playing.

One fan had a sign that said 'Larry Who? I ship Haisy' with a big heart around it, and Harry had to point it out between songs. "That's clever, isn't it?" He laughed and turned to Daisy.

Daisy bit her lips and looked at Harry, not really sure what to say about that. She eventually smiled and shrugged, so Harry moved on to the next song. The show was going exactly as they had rehearsed, with some witty banter between 'Haisy' in between songs; everything went smoothly as long as Harry stuck to the script (so to speak).

As the show concluded, Harry caught Daisy's hand so they could bow together, something she clearly wasn't expecting and it looked a bit awkward. They both waved before leaving the stage, and Daisy exhaled a frustrated sigh once they were back stage.

"It's okay, it's only your first show." Harry tried to comfort her and smiled, before being whisked off to talk with someone, leaving Daisy with Jeff and Molly.

"He's right, though, it just takes some practice." Molly smiled.

"It would have been fine except that 'Haisy' poster threw me off. I thought posters weren't allowed in a small venue like this?" Daisy sighed again.

"Well, they aren't normally. But, we allowed this one." Jeff explained.

"You allowed that? Why?" A crinkle formed between Daisy's eyebrows, whether it was from anger or confusion Molly couldn't tell.

"The fans love 'Haisy', and it's good for sales." Jeff shrugged, and honestly Molly didn't have anything to add.

"Doesn't that bother you?" She said to Molly. "That people are shipping me with your boyfriend?"

Molly shrugged and stammered for a moment. "I mean, they don't know he has a girlfriend, and no one's denied 'Haisy' so I guess there's no harm. I just think they want you guys to be best friends, or something."

Daisy gave her a doubtful look. "Come on, it doesn't freak you out that there is vivid and graphic fanfiction about Harry and I?"

Molly swallowed. "There's fanfiction about him and Louis Tomlinson waaaay worse than that. Trust me, I used to write that kind of thing back in high school. I know it is based on nothing but the writer's imagination."

Daisy's eyebrows shot up, and Jeff looked like he wanted to leave but couldn't think of a polite excuse. "You used to write fanfiction about your own boyfriend?"

Molly blushed, and she and Daisy both broke down laughing. "Not in a long time, but yes, I did."

"Sooo, has he read any of it?" Daisy cocked her head and smiled teasingly.

"Fuck, I hope not!" Molly got even redder, and the two laughed.

"Uh, I hate to interrupt, but I do need to talk to Daisy about a few things." Jeff stepped in, and he looked at Molly. "Actually, we both had a few things to talk about."

"Oh, um, okay." Daisy seemed nervous.

"You can't glare at Harry on stage. They can see everything, even if you think they aren't looking at you, they are. There are probably millions watching this on periscope or youtube, so anything like that will get picked up on," Jeff started.

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